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Index – Tech-Science – A company has created a shockingly realistic short film generated by artificial intelligence

Index – Tech-Science – A company has created a shockingly realistic short film generated by artificial intelligence

It was published recently frost Titled the 12-minute short film in which every shot was created by AI photography. It is one of the coolest – and at the same time bizarre – examples of this strange new genre.

To make The Frost, Waymark took a script written by Josh Rubin, one of the executive producers of the company that directed the film, and fed it into OpenAI’s imaging model, DALL-E 2.

After some trial and error, the filmmakers were able to shoot the model in a style they were happy with, and every shot was created using a DALL-E 2.

Then they used D-ID, an artificial intelligence tool that can add motion to still images. This was used to animate the shots. With the help of this, it was possible to realize in the film, for example, the waving of tents in the wind or the movement of the characters’ lips.

“We built a world out of what DALL-E made for us. It’s a weird aesthetic, but we welcomed it with open arms,” says Rubin.

It’s definitely the first AI movie I’ve seen so far where the style seems consistent

– said Souqi Mahdaoui, independent filmmaker and co-founder of Bell & Whistle, a consulting firm specializing in creative technologies.

According to him, the production of still images and the “puppets” with them give the film a fun collage atmosphere.

The movie can now be watched online:

the frost It joins a group of short films using several generative AI tools that have been released in recent months. The best generative video models can still only produce a few seconds of video.