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Index – Tech-Science – A link was found between smoking and body fat

Index – Tech-Science – A link was found between smoking and body fat

Pioneering research has found a generational link between smoking and body fat. Women whose grandparents started smoking at a young age tend to have more body fat, according to a new study from the 30-year-old’s Children’s 90s Project, described by the Guardian.

Previous research has found that if a father starts smoking regularly before puberty, his sons have more fat than expected. However, their daughters could not prove this connection.

However, the authors of the new research accurately demonstrated higher body fat in women whose grandfather or grandfather started smoking before the age of 13. However, such a relationship was not found in the grandchildren of the boy or the great-grandchildren.

Study results show that exposure to certain harmful substances can lead to changes that can be passed down through generations. However, the authors acknowledge that more research is needed to confirm this and understand the process.

Researchers at the University of Bristol, the study’s authors, were able to find a possible link due to the detail and depth of the intergenerational data. Research on children began in the 1990s in 1991. Professor Jan Golding, founder of the 30-year project and lead author of the latest report, paid tribute to the 14,000 pregnant women who agreed to participate in the study at the time, and also memorialized their children and grandchildren.

Thirty years of research have yielded many groundbreaking discoveries over time. Twenty years ago, it was discovered that women who ate oily fish during pregnancy – even once every two weeks – would have clearer vision in their babies. A 2013 study concluded that iodine deficiency during pregnancy could have a detrimental effect on children’s mental development. The researchers found that the study provided urine samples from early pregnancy and detailed records of what expectant mothers ate.

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The project has also led to the discovery that early signs of a genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes can be seen in children as young as eight years old. The researchers also found a link between peanut allergy and skin creams containing peanut oil. The 30-year project also allowed the participants to learn how wounds healed by examining BCG vaccine scars.

In the latest study published in Scientific Reports, researchers looked at data on the smoking habits of grandparents and grandparents. Few of the grandmothers and grandmothers smoke to the point that they cannot be used for research.

According to the researcher, the research resulted in two important results: The first is that if the boy is exposed to certain substances before adolescence, such as smoking, this can affect future generations. The other is that children’s obesity may have less to do with their current diet and exercise as with their ancestors’ lifestyle or with the fact that related factors persist.

The professor pointed out that previous experiments on animals showed that exposure of males to certain chemicals before breeding can affect the offspring. Until now, it was questionable whether this was the case with humans. He added that if other data confirms these links, it could provide a basis for exploring the origins of intergenerational relationships, MTI reported.

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