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Index – Tech-Science – Instead of likes, there will be tracking on Facebook pages

Index – Tech-Science – Instead of likes, there will be tracking on Facebook pages

Facebook Page Transformation: The social network today announced a major change to the Facebook page experience for creatives and public figures, including a new look, updated navigation, custom feed entry, new question-and-answer format for fan engagement, revamped tools, and other opportunities.

An important part of the redesign is removing the “Like” button to focus more on followers

It is a more direct measure of how many people a particular page reaches.

It’s been known since last summer that the company was planning to redesign its Facebook pages when it began testing the updated look with a specific number of highlights: including actors, authors and creatives, followed by English business pages in the next phase of testing.

Today, Facebook says the new experience will officially appear on all Facebook pages in the coming months.

Such as? I don’t like it anymore …

By the way, Facebook also detailed to the audience why they thought it necessary to remove the “Like” button. It is believed that “Liked” misled the site’s true popularity. Several Facebook users liked the page, but did not follow it afterwards, only to remove its updates from their feed because they are no longer interested in the content the page provides. It has also happened that he has simply “liked” a page in the past to serve a friend, but is no longer interested in page updates.

Facebook now claims that the number of followers on a particular page will be the metric at the forefront of the new experience because it better indicates the number of fans receiving updates from the site.

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They bring news

Another notable change is that sites are given their own feed. This means that the site itself can “participate in conversations, follow trends and communicate with fans as a public figure or brand.” This personalized feed will also suggest public figures, sites, groups, and high-profile site content or public figures to connect your fans with as well.

Page followers will better see comments made by the page itself, as they will be placed above other comments. In addition, the pages will also receive a blue “checkmark”

Indicates that this is a verified and confirmed page.

Post moderators commented on and get “better visibility” in user newsletters will also be promoted. (The latter is an interesting question since official page visibility is currently only 2 percent. Facebook has not commented on a possible change.)

Facebook also introduces a new question-and-answer format that can be especially helpful for companies that want to answer common questions in a fun way.

More transparent and manageable management

In addition to these few big changes, there are some backend updates for those who manage Facebook Pages. For example, page administrators can customize access permissions more thoroughly and focus on giving the page different levels of access to and access to, for example, Analytics, Ad Center, Resources and Tools, and Incoming Mail. To perform the current tasks.

Facebook promises that moderation will also improve because its algorithms will be better able to filter out “hateful, violent, sexual comments, spam, camouflaging and phishing.” There are still other developments underway in this area, Facebook indicates, but for more details

Facebook has reportedly taken into account requests from users of the new page management interface, who “like the new and simplified user interface, as well as the ease of switching between personal files and public and private pages, and better ways to engage fans.”

According to Facebook, an updated page management architecture will be available in the coming months.

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