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Index – The Science – Verbal slaps also have physical effects

Index - The Science - Verbal slaps also have physical effects

Researchers at Utrecht University have found that saying negative words releases hormones that cause stress and anxiety. The the border Published in a scientific journal In the study They examined people’s brain reactions when listening to or reading negative words. Earlier, similar research revealed that children with low self-esteem have a higher level of anxiety. So negative communication can have long-term consequences.

As a social species, humans come together in groups according to a certain hierarchy, where the key to success is cooperation, but if one member is not recognized, he will not be motivated. Insults will stop him, and he will be less able to thrive in society

– The head of the research, Maren Struxma, told the newspaper, and with colleagues, in addition to nervous reactions to insults and compliments, they also investigated whether the changes occurred as a result of repetition. It turns out that verbal abuse has a longer effect than praise.

Experts have studied the relationship between language and emotions in laboratory settings. An EEG was recorded on the scalps of 79 female volunteers, and their reaction was then checked on reading three different emotional statements: a compliment: “Linda is amazing,” an insult: “Linda is awful,” or the neutral phrase “Linda is Dutch.” Half of the group read. The data was in their name, and the other half in the name of a stranger.The signals transmitted by the electrodes revealed that the emotional center was immediately affected by the lines around it.

According to our findings, the brain reacts immediately to insults and compliments, and stronger activity is shown in the case of insults. The EEG signals indicated a rapid capture of emotional attention, likely due to its retrieval from long-term memory.

– Stroxma joint, who added: As a result of repetition, the signs of irritation decreased to a greater degree than insults, and therefore the brain becomes more able to get used to them.

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The study revealed that although we consider it morally reprehensible to insult others, to which our brains also react, being a social species, it causes a much smaller and shorter neural reaction compared to when we are offended. Negative words and events have a greater and lasting effect on us than praise or positive events.

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