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Index – The Science – Walking into the world’s first storm simulator can plunge you into tragic laughter

Index – The Science – Walking into the world’s first storm simulator can plunge you into tragic laughter

The experiment is funny, but the creators’ intentions are serious: they want to draw attention to the extreme weather conditions caused by climate change. The Danish Universe Science Park beat the storm In his simulation, visitors have to travel from one side of the simulator to the other in a hurricane, a storm with a speed of about 160 kilometers per hour.

No coincidence: Due to record-breaking heat waves and devastating floods this year, nearly all scientists now agree that climate change is making the weather more extreme. That’s why the world’s first public storm simulator was created in Nordburg.

According to Troels Nim Andersen, Universe Science Park project manager, simulations can be fun for people of all ages, because they can experience something they wouldn’t have a chance to do otherwise. With the game designed for ages from 5 to 80, they can show people how dangerous hurricanes are and their consequences. Andersen adds:

Our goal has always been to make science interesting, and to encourage visitors to explore and solve problems.

According to research by climate scientists, due to global warming, more tropical cyclones will hit densely populated cities at similar latitudes, such as Beijing, New York and Tokyo.

In addition, it caused floods in Germany and Belgium, a record amount July Precipitation has also decreased due to climate change.

Tom Knutson, chief scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, says that although storms may not become more frequent due to warmer climates, they can be much stronger and more destructive.

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