After negotiations with the European Commission and social consultations, Hungary has submitted an Association Agreement to the European Commission, detailing the development on which the country will spend more than 9,000 billion HUF in cohesion financing, including domestic co-financing, available in 2021-27, the prime minister said. for MTI. He wrote that the government’s goal is to make Hungary one of the five most liveable countries in the European Union by 2030.
To this end, the largest share of EU and domestic resources will continue to be spent in the coming years on economic recovery, support for small and medium-sized businesses, strengthening of Hungarian settlements, and investment in research, development and innovation.
At least 65 percent of the resources in the four most backward galactic regions are used to help them catch up.
According to the announcement, the government will also spend more money than ever before on strengthening rural settlements in Hungary and Hungary. The amount spent on the regional operational program has been increased to twenty percent of the total envelope, thus supporting the implementation of local needs and plans.
In addition, priority will be given to the development of transport and environment and energy programs, which will encourage, among other things, the modernization of public transport and railways and the diffusion of the use of renewable energy.
He drew attention to the fact that the development of public education, social inclusion programs, health and social investments are also funded through a separate operational program, as well as the Hungarian Recovery Plan.
Compared to the current period, the fact that Budapest and Pest counties no longer constitute a region has been named a change, and therefore no special regional program has been set up for Central Hungary, however, Pest County will have access to more EU funds than before.
The digital developments of public administration, citizens and economic workers will be brought together in a new, self-contained operational programme.
The introduction of the Association Agreement and then the Operational Programs is the first step in mobilizing the EU funds available to Hungary in the 2021–27 EU development period. The prime minister said in a statement, following the commission’s approval, that the federation would also compensate Hungary for the money the government had already paid to Hungarian applicants from the national budget to restart the economy.
(Cover Image: Thierry Mons/Getty Images)