The world’s first electric aircraft is being manufactured by a Hungarian company, Magnus Aircraft from Pécs instead of Kecskemét since October last year. Aviation Egineering, a subsidiary of this company, has achieved another significant milestone in the manufacture of Hungarian aircraft by agreeing with the Russian Joint Aviation Federation that in the future the Hungarian company will be one of the exclusive manufacturers of Russian small aircraft. statement.
IL-103 was developed by Ilyushin Design in the 1990s
office, which in 1998 was the first Russian aircraft to be licensed by the FAA (Federal Aviation Authority). The four-seater plane is safe and comfortable even in harsh conditions, especially for everyday use.
Photo: Wikipedia
The air forces of Laos, South Korea and Peru use such aircraft for training aircraft, with a total of thirty aircraft serving in the three countries.
According to the agreement, Magnus Aircraft Zrt manufactures and sells Il-103 aircraft exclusively throughout the world. The deal is also a great opportunity for the Hungarian company, because it provided the opportunity to export its other products to Russia.