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Indicator – Economy – Ukrainian attack hit the Turkish broadcast, Sergey Lavrov called immediately Peter Szijártó

Indicator – Economy – Ukrainian attack hit the Turkish broadcast, Sergey Lavrov called immediately Peter Szijártó

Péter Szjjártó said on his Facebook page that Sergey Lavrov had contacted him on the phone to report that the Ukrainian forces launched a drone on the important compressor station called Ruszkaya of Turkish Treams during the night. According to the Russian Foreign Minister, the Russian air defense removed three drones.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs stressed that the Turkish current is a guarantee of the safety of the Hungarian natural gas supply, “which is why the pipeline will be seriously impossible to threaten energy security.”

Peter Szijjártó confirmed that the European Commission has guaranteed that Ukraine will not attack the infrastructure leading to the European Union,

Therefore, we call on the committee to clarify this immediately to maintain the guarantee it took!

The Foreign Minister also stressed that “energy security is a sovereign issue, so this type of attack should be considered an attack on sovereignty.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told not only the Hungarian, but also his Turkish colleague of the attack on the Turkish movement. Hakan Vian, according to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, promised a procedure in his response.