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Is it possible that the universe is inside a black hole?

Is it possible that the universe is inside a black hole?

Is it possible that everything we see in the sky and that scientists can observe is inside a black hole? Well, modern science has seriously considered this possibility based on many facts, but the situation is not simple.

First, if we calculate the volume of a black hole that has the same mass and energy as all the mass and energy we see in the universe, we find that this object is almost as large as the observable universe. Of course, this may seem strange at first, but the radius of such a formation is directly proportional to its mass, while its volume is proportional to the cube of its radius, so the more massive such an object is, the lower its density. This means that a black hole with the same volume as the universe would have roughly the same average density as the observable universe. BBC Science Focus In his report.

Image is for illustration only/Source: Pixabay

There are many similarities between the universe and black holes. If we go back in time, it turns out that everything began with a singularity, known as the Big Bang, when density, temperature, and energy were so extreme that the laws of physics broke down. This is mathematically analogous to the singularities of invisible egg machines. These also have event horizons beyond which light and matter can never return, and the universe has something similar. This is the cosmic event horizon beyond which we can’t see, because the expansion increases the distance more than the light coming from it decreases it.

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Mathematically, the properties of space outside a black hole's event horizon are simply the opposite of the properties inside the event horizon. Other studies suggest that the birth of a black hole could create baby universes. However, neither idea has led to observable evidence, so the question of whether we live inside a black hole cannot yet be answered.

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