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Is it really a conspiracy theory? How did the Rockefeller Foundation know in 2010 what would happen in 2020?

Thierry Baudet

A 2010 Rockefeller Foundation study accurately described what is now known as the pandemic and its social implications – This was analyzed by Thierry Baudt, Dutch Conservative Party leader at the Forum for Democracy Dutch Transylvania correspondent writes.

In 2010, one of the most influential NGOs in the world, a non-governmental organization, the Rockefeller Foundation [Rockefeller Alapítvány] He pledged to present a study of how he envisioned the future.

Thierry Bodet
Thierry Baudt (Image: YouTube)

This describes a “lock step” [olyan menetelési mód, amelyben az emberek a lehető legközelebb helyezkednek el az előttük levőhöz, ilyen az összeláncolt rabok menete] Their scenario, which is about the emergence of a global epidemic and its consequences. Many of their expectations have already come true. It is also troubling how the phenomenon called the “new normal” was predicted, i.e.

“As the epidemic recedes, it will not decrease, but the control and monitoring of civilians will increase.”

The Rockefeller Foundation is one of the world’s most influential non-governmental organizations, founded in 1913 by businessman John D. Rockefeller. The foundation has assets of at least $4 billion and aims to advance the “well-being of mankind” [amolyan “filantróp” szervezet]. The most important part of their strategy is creating scenarios. In 2010, they produced their 54-page report, whichScenarios for the future of technology and international development” [Forgatókönyvek a technológia és a nemzetközi fejlődés jövőjéről] listen to.

Rockefeller Study cover page

In this work, four scenarios were considered. One such thing is the “Lock Step” scenario mentioned above.

Under this scenario, the world would suffer a highly contagious and deadly epidemic, resulting in a world of strict top-down government control and authoritarian leadership that would displease the citizens. The scenario identified bears a strong resemblance to the current situation.

In their report, the Lock Step scenario [már 2010-ben] They are written in the past tense, as if they were analyzing an event that had already occurred. “Even the most epidemic-prepared countries were hit hard when the virus spread around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the world’s population and killing 8 million people in just 7 months, most of them healthy adults,” they wrote. thesis.

The pandemic has crippled economies: the international movement of people and goods has ground to a halt, tourism has ground to a halt, and global supply chains have been disrupted. Crowded shops and office buildings have been extinct for months, with no sign of employees or customers.”

This good little prophecy differed from reality perhaps only in that the infection was less deadly and did not particularly affect healthy young people, but rather the sick or the elderly. But what they were able to predict very accurately were the closings.

Especially with regard to China. According to the Lock Step scenario, the Chinese introduced “a mandatory exit ban for all citizens and an immediate and semi-hermetic closure of all borders, which stopped the spread of the virus much earlier than in other countries, thus ensuring a speedy recovery from the epidemic.” This is fully in line with the government’s narrative. Current Chinese, provided the reliability of Chinese government data.

rules and restrictionsقي

A large number of American casualties were also expected. According to the scenario, the initial policy of the United States was to try to dissuade people from flying hard for the first time, but with this guardian action, it only helped the virus spread, not only within the United States but also outside it.

They also clearly saw that the leaders of each nation had consolidated their power through laws, regulations and restrictions, introducing, for example, the mandatory wearing of a face mask or body temperature control at the entrances to train stations and supermarkets. However, the story does not stop here.


According to the Lock Step scenario, more things happened:

“After the epidemic subsided, the strict monitoring of civilians and their activities continued and even intensified.”

Climate-related shutdowns are also referenced in this 2010 report. “To protect themselves from growing challenges – from pandemics and international terrorism to environmental crises and growing poverty – world leaders have tightened their grip on power.”

The report also covers the general reactions of citizens. Just like today, when people post pictures of their vaccinated moment on social media and take pride in their ID, the Lock Step script authors saw it well. Such a controlled world in many respects finds acceptance among a wide range of people.

Citizens have voluntarily and forcefully relinquished much of their sovereignty and privacy for the sake of greater security and stability. They agreed and almost expected there to be top-down control and oversight, and released the leaders of the nations to follow the order of their choosing.”

heart of government

This whole situation was also expected to lead to the proliferation of digital passports.

Vaccine ID

In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation was not yet able to accurately predict the current state of the technology, but even then it was believed that Increased control will lead to a “Citizen Biometric Identifier”. This can now be found in everyone’s passport. The vaccine is a passport [oltási igazolvány] It’s just an extension of this.

They also looked at how China could benefit from the crisis. “China has expanded its investments in Africa to access essential minerals and food exports. Close relations have also led to security agreements. It was expected that the Chinese military presence would be strengthened in the territories of countries dependent on China. And the countries most in need welcomed the emergence of foreign security forces.”

Thierry Bodet
Will this be our miserable future? asks Thierry Bode

As an event, the study continues the analysis: “Only 13 years after the outbreak of the epidemic, the public is starting to tire of the decisions of leaders and governments. Where national interests collide with individual interests, conflicts erupt. Riots are becoming increasingly organized and coordinated.” Dissatisfied youth and all those Those who lost their existence or their opportunities as a result of the situation, especially in developing countries, have caused social unrest.” 14 years after the outbreak of the epidemic in Nigeria, protesters have toppled the government. Even those who initially loved the stability and predictability that the new world provided have become uncomfortable with the restrictions And many strict regulations.A feeling arose that sooner or later something would happen that would inevitably disrupt the existing order that the world’s governments had worked so hard to establish.

Thus, according to the Lock Step scenario, thirteen years must elapse after the epidemic subsides, when the public is tired of the “new normal.”

Fourteen years would have to pass before the first government was toppled as a result of growing protests, not even in the West. If this scenario materializes, we still have some time to chew up the situation until 2033, at which time the potty will overwhelm the Dutch population as well, writes conservative Dutch politician Thierry Baudi.

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