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István Kovács can't get a job, this 80-year-old actor is really struggling

István Kovács can't get a job, this 80-year-old actor is really struggling

At the age of eighty, he became a permanent member of the Society of Immortals, Istvan Kovacs. The actor is still full of energy to this day, but feels sad that he has not been receiving any requests at all lately.

Istvan Kovacs in 2019, at the opening ceremony of the 5th Hungarian Film Week – Photo: MTI/Zsolt Szigetváry

I have less work than ever before, I was last on stage about a year ago. “I don't know why it turned out this way, but I'm not handling the situation well at all.”A. complained To blink Istvan Kovacs, who feels that he is in forced rest, but cannot do anything about it.

He's never been the type to call the manager and then log in to work, he says. “Unfortunately, I do not have any professional invitations for the coming period, but I am confident that this will change with time, as I have not thought for a moment about retiring.” – confirmed the actor who has been happily married to his wife, actress Erika Sagal, for 26 years.

Istvan Kovacs already had film roles at a young age, such as Gergelye Bornemissza or Zoltán Kárpáthy in Eger's Stars. He later appeared in films by Miklós Jancsó and in successful TV series such as Abigél, Yolc évószak, Kisváros or Szomszédok.

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