“We encourage those who have a commercial relationship with Minister Antal Rogan, a number of authorities, the organizations that are controlled by reality, and the benefits of reviewing them carefully. More information is available in the US Department of Finance (…),” said the United States Embassy in Budapest Day Friday.
On Tuesday, the US Department of Finance announced that the Office of Foreign Royal Observatory (OFAC) has updated a list of specially appointed citizens and the banned persons, which now includes Anal Rogan, the Prime Minister.
It is prohibited to enter into work in the United States. The US Department of Finance included the second man of the Hungarian government because of its participation in corruption activities. The importance of this was detailed on that day, David Braidman, the American ambassador.
Members of the Hungarian government classified this measure as “a small, unfounded revenge”, who are considered a dance for the departure ambassador, and they say that this will be withdrawn by the US government once the President of the elected Donald Trump president accepts and took over. Political analyst Brian E Leip, who is referred to as a possible successor to Pressman, suggested that it is similar. János Lázár, Minister of Construction and Transport, who was standing with Rogan, encouraged David Breesman to avoid Hungary when he ended.
The American embassy put a link to the ads list in updating the list on Rogan's business partner on Friday.