In a document issued by the White House, the president indicated that it was long scheduled to announce the English language as the official language of the United States, which was confirmed by using it as a national language of English since the establishment of the country, and the basic documents of the country such as declaring independence and constitution.
“Language at the level is the main component of a unified and coherent society, which confirms the United States that its citizens are able to exchange ideas freely in a common language,” the decree, which helps the development of a more efficient society.
The presidential decree indicates this
Make the English language as an official language will also encourage newly received Americans to learn the language.
Donald Trump wrote: “English language skills are not only economically opened, but also help new arrivals become members of societies and be part of national traditions,” Donald Trump wrote.
Donald Trump also canceled a presidential document during Bill Clinton's presidency in 2000, which provided “to improve access to services for English -language people.”
However, the new legislation emphasizes that change does not mean an amendment to access any service provided by the Federal Office.
The United States has not yet had a legal formal language.
The vast majority of people, 78 percent, speak English. At the state level, 32 of 50 states had previously submitted legislation that the official language is English.