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It has been confirmed for the first time that mRNA-based coronavirus vaccines can cause serious psychiatric disorders

It has been confirmed for the first time that mRNA-based coronavirus vaccines can cause serious psychiatric disorders

A study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry examined the relationship between COVID-19 vaccines and psychological side effects in a large population-based cohort study in Seoul, South Korea. During the research, 2,027,353 people were analysed, of which 84.79% received the Covid-19 vaccine, while 15.21% did not receive it.

a Results Depending on the vaccination group, a lower incidence of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder was detected compared to the unvaccinated group. In particular, the heterologous vaccine (a combination of several vaccines) had the lowest incidence of schizophrenia, while the[كدنا]He had the lowest incidence of bipolar disorder.

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In contrast, depression and With another worryDisintegration and stress-related disorders showed a higher incidence in the vaccinated group compared to the unvaccinated group.

A particularly high incidence has been observed in mRNA-based vaccines. Sleep disturbances and sexual disorders also occurred more frequently in the vaccinated group, while these problems were rarer in the unvaccinated group. There was no significant difference in the incidence of eating disorders between the immunized and unimmunized groups.

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Psychological side effects of COVID-19 vaccines can vary widely, and studies have produced mixed results. According to some research, some people may experience anxiety and depression after the COVID-19 vaccine, and although these conditions are often short-term, in some cases they can lead to more permanent problems. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has also been reported in some cases, especially in those with a history of mental health problems.

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Vaccine anxiety and general stress resulting from the outbreak may contribute to these symptoms.

Sleep disturbances may be common after vaccination, especially in the first few weeks. Physical symptoms after vaccination, such as fever or pain, can contribute to sleep problems. In some cases, panic attacks may also occur after vaccination, especially in people prone to anxiety or panic disorder. These reactions are often caused by stress caused by the vaccine and the immune response.

source: nature

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