The weightlifting department also participated in the progress of the National Master Championships in Zalagerszeg. Here are the results!
Vse progress of weightlifting:
First place, Dr. Peter Rosanix, M60 age group, 89 kg.
1st Place Csaba Kiss, M55 Age Great, 89 kg.
1st Place Szabolcs Pusztai, M35 Age Great, 81 kg.
First place Mihály Szabó, M35 Age Great, 89 kg.
1st Place Csaba Molnár, M50 Age Great, 61 Weight Round.
First place Tibor Gyallai, M50, 73 kg.
First place to Neri, M50, 96 kg.
First place in Károlect Bödei, in the M50 age group, 102 kg.
Coaches: Erzsébet Márkus and Ferenc Ligeti
Source: Erzsébet Márkus/Facebook
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