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It turns out that the inner part of the Sun rotates differently than the outer layer

It turns out that the inner part of the Sun rotates differently than the outer layer

In 2024, the Crafoord Prize for Astronomy was awarded to three astronomers by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Crafoord Foundation for developing new astroseismic methods that help reveal the secrets of the interior of the Sun and other stars – read on csillaszat. News portal is.

Established in 1980, this year's winners of the 6 million SEK (about 207 million HUF) prize are Douglas Gough (University of Cambridge, UK), Jørgen Christensen Dalsgaard (Aarhus University, Denmark) and Connie Aerts (University of Leuven , Belgium). – They discovered that procedures similar to seismology methods could also be used in astronomy. The interior of the sun and stars can be studied by examining the movements that occur on their surface, as they result from internal oscillations similar to sound waves. This branch of science is called astroseismology.

Following this rationale, Douglas Gough from the University of Cambridge and Professor Jorgen Christensen Dalsgaard from Aarhus University in Denmark, together with hundreds of other researchers, founded the GONG (Global Oscillation Network Group), which led to completely new discoveries. . It turns out that the inner part of the Sun rotates differently than the outer layer. Connie Aerts, a professor at the Catholic University of Leuven, used the same method to study distant stars. Thanks to new technology, researchers are able to measure the radii of stars, learn about their internal composition, and determine their age more accurately.

The award was established in 1980 by the Swedish Crawford couple, Holger and Anna-Greta Crawford, to recognize outstanding scientific achievements in the fields of astronomy, mathematics, earth sciences, life sciences and arthritis.

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The Craford Prize is awarded each year for excellence in a different field of research, and since 2012, the Mathematics and Astronomy Prizes have been awarded simultaneously. This year, the 6 million SEK associated with the Astronomy Prize will be divided equally between the three prize winners.

Previous winners in astronomy include Andrea Ghez and Reinhard Genzel (2012), who have since been awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics.

According to the Foundation's announcement, the 2024 Craford Prize for Distinguished Scientific Achievement in Mathematics will be awarded to Claire Voisin (Institut Mathematics de Jussieux-Paris) for her outstanding research in the field of algebraic geometry.

The awards will be presented in Stockholm in May.

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