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It was half an hour of laughter with light exercise

It was half an hour of laughter with light exercise

A study shows that half an hour of controlled laughter comes with light exercise and improves well-being.

Researchers at Eötvös Loránd University (Eötvös Loránd University) studied the psychological and physiological effects of laughing yoga. An article by Attila Szabo, Timea Birks, Frink Ihas and Frink Cutlis on the research findings has been published in the Baltic Journal of Sports and Health Sciences.

It has long been known that sincere and natural laughter plays a huge role in maintaining mental health, reducing stress, and bringing about positive change in our bodies as well.

However, science doesn’t say much about whether controlled, self-motivated laughter can cause these positive effects.

However, the idea itself was born in the 1990s and is now popular all over the world in the form of laughter yoga or otherwise known as laughter yoga.

The essence of the method is that the participants combine laughter exercises with well-known breathing exercises from yoga. The big advantage is that self laughter can easily turn into real laughter, especially when practiced in company.

Attila Szabo, a lecturer and staff member at the Institute for Health Development and Sports Science at Eötvös Loránd University, evaluated the effects of hahota yoga on health and mental wellness in two trials.

In the first study, researchers were curious about whether just the visual experience of laughter could elicit positive emotions. To find out, 13 college students were shown a video of a 25-minute hhota yoga class. In the experiment, professionals used a heart rate monitor to monitor the heart rate of test subjects and assess their emotional state using a questionnaire.
The results show that simply watching hahuta yoga has a beneficial effect on mental state while significantly stimulating the cardiovascular and respiratory response. While watching the short films, the participants used enough energy, which corresponds to a simple physical exercise, which is typical for people who exercise approximately 1-3 times a week.

In the second experiment, the strength of a smile was examined among participants in a real yoga class in Budapest. Twenty-five women around the age of sixty participated in Hahuta Yoga, and they also took the measurements used in the previous experiment. The results showed that just one session improved mood and reduced the appearance of negative emotions. Mood also had a positive effect on health: the majority of test subjects also had an increase in calories burned and an increased heart rate. Compared to other physical activities, yoga practitioners burn slightly less energy than cycling at the same time, but more than, for example, cooking.

Summing up the two studies, the researchers found that while huta yoga alone is not an adequate form of exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it provides safe, enjoyable, and recreational physical activity for women over 50 due to its many positive psychological and physiological benefits.


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