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It’s time to grow a rose – even from a bough of a rose you received as a gift!

It’s time to grow a rose – even from a bough of a rose you received as a gift!

The majority of noble roses are propagated by grafting, i.e. the noble is placed on a vigorous and undemanding rootstock. However, the easiest way to propagate roses at home is by cuttings, for which now is the most ideal period.

The simplest way to reproduce

“It is not a crime to steal a flower,” says the saying, and if we take this as a basis, then this is good news, because if we take an effect from a rose with a flower in it, there is a good chance that we can eradicate it in this case. Drive selection is most important. For propagation, select a healthy shoot, about 20-30 cm long, that has already had or is currently in bloom this year. This is important because this part of the shoot is less wilted than the younger part, which has no flowers.
Remove the rest of the flower, cut off the shoot from the stem, preferably a small piece of old cane (from which it originated). This is called a hammer cut. If we only have a simple cut, there is still a chance of rooting.

Cuttings are a method of vegetative propagation, so the plant that grows from cuttings is genetically identical to the mother plant from which the cutting was taken, so it will have the same habit, flower shape, and color.

Always keep the soil moist while it is rooting

For faster rooting, it is worth dipping the lower part of the cutting into the rooting hormone powder (it contains indoleic acid), but in the absence of this, the plant is unlikely to have problems. Plant the cutting in a pot filled with sand, remove the lower leaves, and cut the upper leaves in half crosswise. In this way, the evaporation surface is reduced, and the remaining leaf pieces will not wither.

Before use, either disinfect the sand in the oven or soak it in a fungicide and germicidal solution so that the wound on the rose does not become infected. Submerge the pot in the ground up to its brim in a semi-shaded part of the garden. Cover it with a Mason jar sprinkled on the outside with lemon, or spread a Rachel net over it as shade.

A few weeks must pass before the roots take root, until then the sand must not dry out. The jar can be removed from the plant for a few hours from time to time, or you can prop the bottom up with a pebble to ensure ventilation so that the plant does not suffocate.

If a new leaf turns, we win!!!

Rooting is indicated when the rosette produces a new leaf or shoot. At this point, they can be grown in nutrient-rich soil, where they can only “stand” for a short time in the sand – because they contain no nutrients. If you find a sunny spot in the garden for your rooted rose cuttings, shade them for a while so they gradually get used to outdoor conditions.

With this method, we can propagate not only ornamental roses, but also fleshy, large-fruited rose hips for food.

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