He only asked one question on his Instagram sari ivyWhich made unexpected waves in the local celebrity world. In her story, the singer and actress asked her followers: “When did this guy become such an arrogant and adorable little monkey?”
his words to ByeAlex In a previous post, a jury member asked his followers if The X Factor should stay their host or come back Malek Mikiék.
“Because the old mentors were better…?Bai Alex asked in his post. According to Evi Sari, the singer understood this sarcastically and had no respect for her former mentors. However, the ordeal did not end here.
In response, the singer famous for her song “Habibi” hit back at the theatrical artist who criticized her.
‘I may be stupid, but I’ve never heard of this aunt before. Anyway, my calling is not felt by my mother. :(‘ Posted by Marta Alex on her Facebook page. We didn’t have to wait long for an answer, Evie commented on the post on Instagram.
“The question popped up in me because I’d seen weird posts from me before, but that’s what I think was an exaggeration and a bad example. He doesn’t think I understand the humor, I don’t think it was funny. More pessimistic (…) I think they didn’t sit in the chair that They are in it now… It was true that the mentor’s fingernail color or hair style was less noticeable at the time, but that probably wasn’t a problem.” Representative explained.
“It’s no problem that you don’t know who I am. I also don’t know your job. We don’t have the same target audience and tastes, but that’s not a problem at all.” As soon as I see you in one of my stage performances, there are many things that I am proud ofSari Effie has closed her lines.