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Kid Rock and Roll SE finished the year with impressive results

Kid Rock and Roll SE finished the year with impressive results

Juvenile duo Christophe Radnai-Noemi Nagy finished first in the region, putting them both in the region. At the same time, they took 6th place in the national list, while in the Hungarian Championship they took 5th place. In addition to all this, they have bronze medals at the European Championships and World Championships, they are the tenth in the World Cup as an individual, and they are also the tenth in the world ranking. The Baby Dolls of the “rockers” came first in the regional competition for the women’s call-style large formations, which also brought them the best position in the regional ranking list. They have no reason to be sad, because they finished second in the national competition, in the Hungarian championship and in the national ranking list.

Kid Rocks formation called Csinizzaruk can not complain: Women’s dance in addition to the regional first place for the small formation, the first place in the regional ranking list, the national second place, the Hungarian silver championship, the third place in the national ranking. The results of the Prodigy Project for this year are also a reason for pride: 1st regional place in the junior formation of the women’s contact style, 1st place in the regional ranking list, 4th place in the Hungarian championship and 4th place in the national ranking list.

Fancies achieved first place in the girls’ regional senior formation, sixth place in the nation, sixth place in the Hungarian Championship, and fourth place in the World Cup. The Sweeties also had a stellar run in 2022: 1st Regional Junior Junior, 2nd Regional, 5th National, 6th MB, and 5th in the National ranking list. No method can be proud of the following results: 1st place in the women’s senior regional formation, 1st place in the regional ranking list, 6th place in the country, 7th place in the Hungarian championship, 7th place in the national ranking list.

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Kid Rock and Roll pair Vivien Harry-Olivier-Heppo took first place in the dual region, as did the Flame Princess junior team. Several teams took third place in the regional competition this year: the Ladies Champions Dance junior formation, the Sarkanerok children’s junior formation, and the Dolly Rolls juvenile junior formation. The huge formation of the Super Girls children came in fourth place, the small formation of the events of Wonder Girls came fifth, and the small formation of the events of Dream Team came in the seventh place. Al-Ittihad coaches are: Daniel Panhedi, Viraj Bondur, Leela Esper, Dora Kalmar and Keti Kovary.

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