Frank Langella was the protagonist of a mini-series based on the works of Edgar Allan Poe.

Already halfway through Usher house fall Netflix series, when production broke up with lead actor, Frank Langella, 84. Previously Frost / NixonThe Oscar-nominated actor was investigated and found to have molested a colleague on the set, Limit.

Instead of Angela, accused of sexual harassment, the producers of the 8-part mini-series based on the words of Edgar Allen Poe will have to find a new hero, and the parts recorded so far will have to be re-filmed with the new hero.

The series is described as a mixture of horror, tragedy, and greed, and also features such great actors as Mark Hamill, Carla Gugino, and Mary McDonnell.

See also  To my great surprise, a new mystical series from Netflix was canceled after one season


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