About 30,000 to 50,000 ancient Roman coins have been found off the coast of Sardinia.

The Italian Ministry of Culture announced that between 30,000 and 50,000 Roman bronze coins from the fourth century, preserved in excellent condition, were found near the coast of Sardinia.

According to the statement, an Italian diver made the special discovery when he noticed a metallic sheen on the sea floor. After notifying the authorities, the archaeological conservation team and the ministry’s marine archeology team sent expert divers to the site.

Coins from the first half of the 4th century settled in seaweed near the northeastern coast of the Mediterranean island.

According to an article published by The Guardian on Monday, the Italian Ministry of Culture did not say exactly when the discovery occurred, but said that the coins were found near Arzachena.

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The coins are still being examined, but their exact number has not yet been announced. According to estimates, there are at least 30,000 coins, but there could be as many as 50,000 coins.

The coins are called “volis” and were minted during the reign of Emperor Diocletian who introduced financial reform. Each piece of the find has been preserved in exceptionally good condition, and even on damaged pieces the inscriptions can be read, according to the ministry.

Luigi La Rocca, official of Sardinia’s Antiquities Office, spoke of the coins as one of the most important discoveries of recent times. He stressed that this discovery is further evidence of the richness of the archaeological heritage preserved at the bottom of the sea.

Lawrence Egerton, who was examining the soil with a metal detector, made a similar discovery in 2013 in Devon, Great Britain. The amateur researcher found 22888 Foulis a few hundred meters from the remains of an ancient Roman villa and a military fortification.


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