The story could be anything other than the mRNA-based vaccine, which is one of Kariko’s most important works.

Is there a return to “normality” due to vaccinations? Absolutely: What is the “new” normal? we travel? Are we on vacation? Polynic? Are we going to the theater and concert? How threatening are the various mutations in the virus? Should we be afraid of the fourth or fifth wave, or several waves? In our article series, you will find everything you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic.

Catalin Carrico, who holds a patent for a synthetic vaccine technology based on mRNA, is a Wired Current cover story for a science journal. Accordingly, the Hungarian biochemist can be seen on the cover of the latest issue of the paper:

The cover story addresses one of Kariko’s most important work, mRNA-based vaccines, but the article also reveals that researchers will also be using the technology against a number of other diseases, such as HIV and malaria.

Cover story The vaccine revolutionHe was baptized by the editors, which means in Hungarian: Pollen Revolution.

A newspaper is a United Kingdom distributed copy of the American newspaper of the same name.

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This song was sent to Katalin Karikó by Zsuzsa Koncz


The song was sung with the title Class Trip with Zorán, and Gábor Presser helped them too.

They asked Catalin Carrico if she was bothered by having multiple vaccines


According to the research biologist, it was already possible to see what would happen from the spread of the pathogen from January to February last year.