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Líra Received 12 Million Consumer Protection Fine Over Heartstopper – Is Netflix Ready?

Líra Received 12 Million Consumer Protection Fine Over Heartstopper – Is Netflix Ready?

He wrote that the government office was investigating the terms of distribution of Heartstopper – Fülig Beléd Zúgtam (Szívdobbanás) publications in bookstores run by the company.
They explained, “The investigation found that the books in question depict homosexuality, and despite this, they were displayed among children’s books and classified as youth literature, and were not distributed in closed packages.” legal distribution.
In order to protect children, the government office of the capital city of Budapest is taking strict measures in all cases against companies that do not comply with the law, as stated in the announcement.

Charlie and Nick go to the same school but don’t know each other until one day they sit next to each other. The two become friends, and Charlie quickly takes a liking to Nick. He believes that he has no chance: Nick is a typical rugby boy, and he is sure that he is only interested in girls … Netflix filmed a very successful series based on the famous comic book by Alice Osman, which prepares fans for a sequel, that is, the second series, in August of this general. Netflix made the series available in our country with a rating of 13+ under the Hungarian title Fülig beléd szerget. It would be an interesting situation if Orbán’s government, which is going against EU directives and pursuing an increasingly ridiculous gender policy, also goes after the popular streaming service provider.

See also  Members of the LGBTQ community were upset, and Netflix immediately removed the relevant tag from the Dahmer series
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