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Local businesses may be preparing for serious raids

Local businesses may be preparing for serious raids

The Department of Justice published a consumer protection inspection program planned for 2023. This year, dangerous appliances, tobacco products, and online store operations will also be carefully examined, but manufacturers and distributors of toys, global battery chargers, beauty products, and baby care items can also expect serious checks.

Last year, the focus was on gluten- and lactose-free products, but this year, the classification and communication of all foods with special properties will also be the focus of the authority.

The authorities also closely monitor whether companies provide accurate warranty and guarantee information, and whether they cheat their customers with greenwashing, or what is known as green painting, making it seem more environmentally friendly than their actual activities.

“It is a serious task for companies to meet the traditionally stringent requirements of local consumer protection authorities in the field of product safety. Deception-free communication can be ensured by correct classification of the product to be advertised, by accurately modeling the behavior of target consumer groups, and by full compliance with general advertising rules as well as Special rules. – confirmed Dr. Andrea Magdolna Nagy, Leading Lawyer in Consumer Protection Practice at Vámosi-Nagy Ernst & Young Law Firm.

In 2023, inspections will also cover compliance with advertising regulations that protect children and minors. The authority also oversees children’s camps and skiing more comprehensively, as well as carnival and Halloween masks, wigs, and costumes for children. Recreational and sporting equipment, as well as businesses that sell pet food and equipment, have also been added to the inspection list.

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