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Mark Imber: “One moment you’re at the top of the food chain, the next you’re at the bottom.”

Mark Imber: “One moment you’re at the top of the food chain, the next you’re at the bottom.”

It was difficult to catch him, and he knew that about himself. He’s working on stopping being the boy who never succeeds, but he knows he still has a long way to go. A conversation with Mark Imber about online dating, stressful life, desire for El Camino and what it means to him to be at the top.

I see your dog is coming with you to the interview. What is his name?

For french fries.

Am I right that he has his own Insta page?

Yes, although I would never have thought about making an Instagram page for a dog. She is so nice. However, if I started posting pictures of him on my own page, it would all be exclusively dog ​​pictures.

Do you manage his website?

She’s like my friend.

How do you feel about your social media presence? Do you have the time and desire or do you consider it a necessary evil?

I don’t think I’m okay. We live in a world where you have to be present both online and offline. I’m very happy if my offline life isn’t fed by my online life, and the opposite would be more fortunate. This can be a dangerous trap you’ve fallen into before. It’s hard for me to deal with the many stimuli we get from there. On the other hand, I know I can’t completely let go, because being online as a performer, is so important today. It is interesting how this world works. I still belong to the generation that believes you have to build it first, then start advertising. Now it’s better to announce it first, and then, if it comes, you build it.

Mark Imber (Photo: RTL Hungary)

How much time does social media steal from you?

I try to live in such a way that this is just something extra and does not define my life. For example, I’m no longer on TikTok. I couldn’t bring myself to do it anymore. I heard it’s an environment that holds you back.

I know you consider yourself a petty person. Is your ego not affected by likes, comments and fan mail from social media?

This is exactly what I meant by the fact that it is dangerous for my offline life to be influenced by the online world. There was so much triggering from there that I noticed I became desensitized to things. It is unbelievable that one moment you are watching a video of a cute cat, and half a minute later you are watching footage of a wartime bombing. The only way to deal with these many triggers is to desensitize yourself. I think it is very dangerous.

A recurring theme in your interviews is that journalists describe how busy you are. We also had a relatively difficult time putting this conversation together. Do you go through quieter periods, or do you like to be in constant motion?

I’m trying to find the right balance. The last few years have been a constant rush. In fact, since I graduated college, I’ve been doing 20 to 30 shows a month. This is too much. Since becoming independent, that number is trending towards 10-15. At Színművészét, we grew up with constant work. This was home for me. At the same time, I don’t want to waste time for my family, friends or love. I don’t want my image to be that of a guy who never succeeds.

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Have you ever been close to burnout?

naturally. That was the situation when I came from comedy theatre. The number of my lectures per month jumped to 25-30. We worked practically non-stop. There was a month where we played A Pál Street Boys only 16 times. I photographed it too Altar girls Series for RTL.

Mark Imber (Photo: RTL Hungary)

Did others also see that you were starting to feel overwhelmed or did you feel it yourself?

I tried not to show it, but I think you definitely felt it. I was angry, impatient…and there were signs of it.

Aside from changing theatres, have you tried to change anything else?

I worked on saying no. It wasn’t easy. When I say no, I always have the feeling that they think I don’t want to work with them, that I have a personal reason against them. I have to learn how to deal with this. In addition, good time management is essential. If you don’t organize your life well, minutes and hours can easily slip away from you. Fortunately, my girlfriend helps a lot with this.

Although it hasn’t happened recently, the success of The Pál Street Boys continues to linger in your regard, as if it were some kind of career peak. Are you tired of putting up this play?

If there’s one thing I’ve been missing lately, it’s myself. I always worry about whether I can renew myself because I’m afraid of repeating the same cycles over and over again. Whether at work or in private life. For the boys from Pall Street Thanks to that, I realized that there is no such thing as a straight curve in this profession. One success does not lead to another. You can be the main character in one of the most popular plays, and some good performances won’t necessarily follow. Completely unpredictable. One moment you’re at the top of the food chain, the next you’re at the bottom. Even if you play permanent leadership roles in your band, if a new manager comes in, for example, he can tell you that thanks, that’s it, because he’s not thinking about you. This uncertainty has always frustrated me in my career. Not only can you relax, which sometimes has an inspiring and motivating power, but if you constantly ask yourself what will happen tomorrow and whether you need it at all, you will get tired of it after a while. It grinds you down. Meanwhile, we have little time. Do I really have to be an actor for the rest of my life? There are so many things I want to try, but I never have the time. This is not okay.

In some ways, it’s good to be so in demand. Or am I wrong?

Of course it is, and I don’t want to sound ungrateful. Meanwhile, my parents have already completed El Camino several times, and I want to go, too. It’s supposed to take about 30 days, but I can’t find the right time.

Andras Farago and Mark Imber on the set of Something Amerika (Photo: RTL Hungary)

They say that when you’re at your peak, you should push on and never take a break.

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You’re so sweet, but I don’t feel like I’m on top. I’m happy with every job I get, but I never feel like I’m at the top. I’ve really gotten to work with great people and hold great jobs. Sure: Is there such a thing as a summit?

Can’t we notice this until it’s too late?

That would be very sad. It seems so bad that we don’t realize it until we’re at the top on our way down. Damn, that was it! (name)

I’m sorry to say, you are at your peak. I could be wrong. Even Demjén’s next film will be the highlight.

As you can see, this is a much more empathetic approach. It’s motivating to keep climbing the peak, and then when you’re climbing, see another peak there and start in that direction. I can live with this situation.

Have you filmed Demjén yet?

Preparations are still going on, final touches. This won’t be a biopic about Demjén, but rather a so-called musical jukebox, like Mama MiaOnly here he is not a father, however Ferenc Demjen With strikes. Everyone thinks I’m playing Rose. They keep asking if I’m going to get a wig. In it, I play the role of a boy named Gergo who falls in love with a girl Francesca Turcic Figures and this movie will be their story. I think it could be a good movie. the Made in Hungary It was a defining film in my life. If we can get this movie, I’ll be happy.

Before you became involved with the Something America series, did the Something America movies mean anything to you?

The second part really stuck with me when I was in high school. We loved his music, we also played it on the guitar, and the girls choreographed the songs during recess. It was such a movie that had to be watched multiple times.

Filmed by Valami Amerika (Photo: RTL Hungary)

How was your experience in the casting process?

I didn’t go. i don’t get it. (laughs a lot) I was just working, and I had a week of rehearsal at the theater. I said self tape (Video of the actor playing the scene sent by the casting director – Editor.) That’s why I can send it. I promised, but I forgot. They have already contacted me to send it. I came home from Thalia at night, and then we took him in with a beard, disheveled hair, rings under my eyes, and he was almost half dead. I made my poor girlfriend work so we could do it again. We did that, and I sent it in, but I was sure it wouldn’t work. I didn’t think this job was available either, because at that time Demjén was still scheduled to be filmed in the summer. It was in my mind that the two couldn’t be reconciled anyway. Then they told me I could go to the next round, and my first thought was: Is this serious? (Laughs) Then I met Gabor HerendeWith and Gergely Ibakfar away, and I immediately felt some common vibration in the air. Already in the third round King DannyWith and Trail beaThey looked at us, but it was almost obvious that we were going to get the part.

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You and Danny Kiraly are old friends. Was it easy to integrate Trail Bea into the team?

It could have been difficult, but B and I found common ground very easily. Bea has the advantage of being a lot like my mother when she was little. Many times I felt like my young mother was standing by my side. After a while, the three of us acted like brothers. If Pia had some problems in her personal life during the six months, I immediately felt, like a good brother, that I should try to help her, and even Danny felt that way. We were hanging out together nonstop. I tried to organize small parties for the staff, but more often than not it turned out that the three of us sat together somewhere and had big conversations.

Daniel Kiraly, Beatrix Traill and Mark Imber (Photo: Laszlo Katona)

How difficult was it to leave such a good team after filming? They’ve been meaning to your life for half a year.

Fortunately, I already have some routine with this, and I’ve encountered something similar Altar girlsIn and a Only theater and nothing elseAlso in I have consciously prepared myself from day one that one day this will end, and that is good precisely because one day it will end. This makes it bearable. But it’s not over yet. New episodes come week after week, and viewer reviews come in, so it’s very much present in our lives even now.

What do you like most about your personality?

I usually introduce Marcy by saying that everyone has a friend like him. A guy who doesn’t really understand why he’s friends with him, because he’s gotten in trouble so many times and had to be helped so many times because he’s always doing something stupid. But for some reason you can’t say goodbye to him. I have quite a few friends like that. In life, I am always the one to turn to for help, so I enjoyed the role that I could be the one to ask for help. I’m really bad at asking for help.

The scenes for the series are largely provided by an experienced talent scout. What do you think of TV talent shows? Are you monitoring them?

My first experience with talent shows is that they are an event where the family gathers in front of the TV and watches it together. It has stayed in my mind as a community event, whereas I know it no longer is. Of course, everyone knows what they’re doing, but it can be very difficult for a young person to feel like the center of the world for a few weeks or months, and then suddenly it’s over. If not in a talent show, I tried myself in a singing show. It has been the hardest nine weeks of my life. I have never been so excited in life as I was at that time. I stood there behind the LED walls, waiting for the wall to open, while in my mind that this was the last chance to escape, at that moment I could still go out into the world. Of course I didn’t go, but it was amazingly stressful. I’m sure there are people who enjoy that kind of heightened excitement, but for me it was brutal.

Do you view it as a positive experience?

naturally. I haven’t regretted anything, but I’m not saying I would do it again.

Episodes of Something Amerika can be watched on RTL+.

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