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Martian perseverance rolls over volcanic rocks

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One of the tasks of the Martian persistence is to collect rock samples with his small drill and then store them in a specially packaged form. Although a myriad of tests can be performed by motorized vehicles, such as perseverance, a vehicle-sized device cannot replace a variety of ground-up labs. It is planned to return the samples collected by the probe to Earth with a returning spacecraft on a later mission.

However, the results of the local survey so far have already provided exciting data: since the lander’s landing in February, igneous rocks have been found below the visited area, Reported by NASA JPL (JPL). This is important for several reasons, such as the exact age of the rocks and thus the events at Jezero Crater. In addition, the researchers were able to discover from previous studies that water has been involved in the fate of rocks in the crater on several occasions, and even organic molecules can be found here. However, accurate analysis of these molecules would only be possible on Earth.

A szerves molekula nem jelenti azt, hogy az feltétlenül élettel összefüggő volna. Az elnevezés kicsit szerencsétlen, számos félreértésre okot adó módon erre utal. Azonban ez csupán a kifejezés eredetével, nem az adott molekula biológiai eredetével kapcsolatos. A szerves molekula, szerves vegyület kifejezést az ókori Galénosz vezette be, aki úgy vélte, az élethez külön, speciális anyagok szükségesek, majd később ezt a nézetet az élet titkait is kereső alkimisták is továbbvitték. Sokáig hitték úgy, hogy a szerves anyagokat nem lehet elállítani szervetlenekből, ám ezt a 19. században Friedrich Wöhler, német kémikus kísérletileg cáfolta. Az elnevezés azonban olyannyira meggyökeresedett már akkorra, hogy mindmáig megmaradt. A kémiai gyakorlatban többféle meghatározás is van a szerves molekulákra, ám ezek ma már nem azt jelentik, hogy e vegyületek függenek az életjelenségektől.  Ha tehát valahol szerves molekuláról olvasunk, akkor nem az életet jelentőkre kell gondolnunk, pusztán egy kémiai csoportra.

The geologists on the rover management team were especially happy to be able to glimpse the erupting shale rocks with the help of an instrument called PIXL, whose crystals were treacherous. PIXL can perform X-ray fluorescence studies to obtain information about the chemical composition of rocks. Such analyzes showed that Brak The so-called rocks contain a large number of large olivine crystals embedded in pyroxene. The probe also picked up a sample of this rock with its drill. “A good geologist would say that rocks of this structure were formed from magma that cooled slowly as crystals grew, as in a thick lava flow, in a lava, or in a magma chamber in a volcano,” explained geochemist Ken Farley. On the rover science team. “Since then, the rock has undergone many transformations under the influence of water, which has made it a true treasure trove of Jezero crater history.”

Ground radar image taken by the rover, the top of the image indicates the path taken, below the radar, the radar, where the sloping rock layers can be seen.

Source: NASA / JPL

Another important tool of the roving vehicle is the ground radar, which “sees” to a depth of 10 meters, and the visible result of the first measurement was also released. Radar can be used to scan rocks in the soil below the rover, and measurements have already shown that the sloping layer of rock visible on the surface continues in the same way. The measurement also showed how the layers of rock that appear at different points on the surface lie beneath each other.

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