Messenger can be used even without Facebook: Meta suddenly asks users how to continue, and if you decide to continue independently of the social site, it will have serious consequences.
When you open Messenger, you can now face the fact that instead of your messages, a window opens in which Meta asks a question about further use of the application. The hvg article ignores the matterThe decision cannot be postponed, you cannot open the request until you answer it – but the decision is very important.
For an unspecified reason All Messenger users living in EEA countries must choose between two options: Disconnect the messaging app from FacebookOr used with it. Presumably, this has become necessary due to EU legislation on digital markets, which will come into force in the near future.
Meta asks the question why Messenger can be used without Facebooknorphoto/Getty Images Hungary
If it suits you, that's the same Use messengerAs before, you will not experience any changes.
If you pay it You will continue to use a Messenger account independent of Facebook, You confirm this after reading the content of the next screen that provides detailed information, and then everything starts with a blank page, with the following consequences:
You can no longer access your previous messages in Messenger, only through Facebook.
You can't reach your Facebook friends directly in the app, you have to invite them, and you can't create stories or send group messages.
According to Meta, if you use your Facebook ID Enter MessengerThe process can be reversed, but it is still worth considering whether… Is it easy or useful for you to create a completely separate Messenger account? Unless you are currently planning to delete yourself from Facebook.
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