There’s a silent medical epidemic on the rise…
And it might explain the uncontrollable
weight gain that every day Americans are facing
– stealing your right to a free, happy, and vigorous body.
This doesn’t require any ‘gimmicky’ workout routines or even using any ‘fad diets’ either.
( Eat sugary sweets before every meal & even fatty cheese steaks if you want!
This completely destroys everything you know about keto.)
In just a moment I’ll show you a few signs that might tell you that you’re
experiencing this right now in your body…
I Was On The Verge of Passing Out…
I Barely Had Any Food In My Body…
And My Body Was Shutting
Down In Death Valley

I remembered how it was like to die…
I felt that my vision started to blur… I started seeing stars in my vision… I felt that I couldn’t keep walking… I couldn’t move… and it was as if I was frozen in time.
My body was reduced to nothing but skin…
And I’d lost liters of water…
With my stomach completely empty… starving…
I couldn’t give up…
My brother from above was watching, and he knew that I had to make it to the end…
I felt as though I couldn’t keep going…
And it was this near death experience…
that allowed me to understand Amy’s struggle with her weight.
Now, she looks as good as she’s ever been…
But just months before…
She was close to meeting her maker too…
Almost losing her vision – with black holes, starting o appear…
As she pushed her body – to the very end… not knowing that whatever that she tried…
was only making her situation worse… causing her body to pile on more fat… sticking to her…
But lucky for her – this death defying experience… led her to discover the insidious reason that she was gaining weight…
One that would completely shock anyone…
One that’s so unexpected…
One that would allow any person – to eat whatever they wanted, without gaining weight…
And in just a moment… I’m about to share her story with you, as she’s given me her blessing to share this extremely private, and personal story with you… so that you too can discover the death-defying secret to weight loss…
You see,
We’ve Been Eating The LEAST Sugar IN Centuries… Yet, Metabolic Diseases & Obesity Rates Are Still Rising?
There’s a silent medical epidemic on the rise…
And it might explain the uncontrollable weight gain that
Every day Americans are facing – stealing your right to a free, happy, and vigorous body.
In just a moment I’ll show you a few signs that might tell you that you’re experiencing this in your body…
Because over 96 Million People [1] in America ALONE are experiencing this and have no clue of its effects on your waistline– weight gain– and even your energy levels too.

Before I introduce myself
I need to tell you some alarming facts that I’ve found in my journey to discover the truth.
And if you take away anything from this presentation – just remember these facts – because what I’m about to share with you, could very well be taken down at any time.
The Nutrition and Health Science Program tells us that sugar consumption is FALLING throughout America…
And in roughly 20 years…
The prevalence of obesity has increased by over 40% and severe obesity has almost doubled according to Larry Tuckery, A Professor of Exercise Science in Brigham University.

And the only reason why this is happening is because of…
The silent medical epidemic that’s affecting almost one in every 3 American Citizens.
And it’s my god given duty – to show you the truth about your waistline… and the truth about your metabolism.
You see,
Weight gain isn’t linked to how much sugar you eat.
Or the type of foods that you enjoy.
Because there’s a silent epidemic, that’s causing you to experience weight gain…

Why does it seem that no matter how hard you try…

To count your calories…

To use restrictive diets…

To do everything in your power to keep those stubborn pounds off…
That fat only seems to accumulate around your waist?
Doesn’t it seem that there’s something keeping you here – where you don’t want to be?
Look, the truth of the matter…
Is that there’s an untold silent epidemic that’s sweeping across America…
One that’s costing lives… even almost costing me my life.
And it’s a ticking metabolic time bomb that’s waiting to go off
At any time– threatening blow up, and putting uncontrollable inches on your waistline…
No matter how hard you try to fight against it.
Weight gain isn’t caused by sugar – or eating ‘more’…
This is why 20 year olds can eat whatever they want, without ever having to worry about putting on a single pound of fat.

And this is also why you see some 40-50 year olds
Who seem to eat whatever they want…
whenever they want…
without experiencing any weight gain at all.
They have the energy to exercise – to travel the world, and to enjoy their life without any health issues.
They don’t feel breathless with every step that they take…
And they’re able to enjoy their retirement, without any health complications throwing a wrench in the works.
This metabolic time bomb… is like a ‘virus’.
That causes fat to pile on no matter how hard you try to keep it off.

Once it’s gotten you… it can only go downhill from there… until you realize the truth behind your metabolism.
When your metabolism isn’t working properly…
Your appetite is going to be ravenous…
You’ll feel tired and lethargic…
And in just a moment, I’ll show you the signs that you might be affected by this…
Because remember, more than a quarter of all Americans are suffering from this – without even knowing.
But once you realize the cure to this ‘metabolic’ epidemic…
You’ll regain the metabolism and fat burning power of an 18-year-old fresh out of high school… with a secret Japanese Metabolism ritual that remedies this…
Turning everything that you eat – into pure, rocket fuel and energy that you can use to power through every part of your day.
It’s not your fault that you haven’t realized what this metabolic epidemic actually is…

Because there’s a reason why Big Pharma is hiding it from you.
The reason why your metabolism slows down to a turtle crawl…
Isn’t because of aging… growing old, or losing that 20 year old ‘metabolic fire’ that torches fat off your waist like melted butter.
You are designed to ‘not know’ about this… Because it’s worth 28 Billion Dollars to Big Pharma.
Eastern countries, like Japan, Thailand, even Vietnam… will almost NEVER have this issue – while every day Americans like you and I are paying the price for this epidemic.
They are intentionally making you ill – stopping you from seeing the REAL reason why you’re gaining weight…
Because it’s just that profitable to keep you as a paying customer for life.

In just a moment…
I’m about to reveal the single Okinawan longevity ‘ritual’ that will send their
profitable ‘cartel’ tumbling down… allowing you to re-ignite your metabolism and
end a life of struggle with weight gain.
My name is Croix Sather…
And I’m an ultramarathon runner…
And this is Amy’s story of how she went from struggling with her weight…

To uncover the biggest ‘weight loss fraud’ that we’ve realized to date.
This is Amy Walter, and she’s an ordinary girl who struggled with her weight without knowing what was going on.
She’s been working as an accountant for the past 35 years…
But what led her to discover this dark and profitable metabolic ‘racket’… was bearing the consequences of Big Pharma’s spoon fed lies about weight gain… leading her to almost lose her vision.
I believe that it was by the grace of god – that both her and her family were able to survive this ordeal, and to pass this knowledge on to you…
Because I believe that it’s every American’s right to know the truth – and the reality of their weight-gain… so that they can take full control over their health, and live happy, free, and independent lives.
I’ve been very blessed to discover the truth with Amy… and today, I will share it with you.
This trial that God had put me through… allowed me to become stronger – and less ignorant about the condition of our metabolism.
And I’ve seen how much she’s grown – as a close family friend.
This journey led me to discover the secret to restoring your metabolism…
Allowing any American to reclaim their freedom to be free from the corruption of Big Pharma.

Free from the lies that you’ve been fed for YEARS…
Free to live life on your terms… where you’re able to spend the rest of your life, being present with your children, and your grandchildren… able to spend the precious golden moments with them…
Without having to be chained down by a body that works against you…
Without having to be treated as walking ‘dollar bills’ by big pharma…
And without having to pay for expensive healthcare, that only serves to ruin the precious nest egg that we’ve been building up for our retirement.
You see, as a teacher… I was always taught to ‘follow the money’… and this led me to realize that..
Once you’re caught in this ‘metabolic epidemic’…
Your life could easily be worth up to $680,000 to Big Pharma.
Even though I’m about to reveal to you 3 independent researchers from the east, including Japan, India, and the Middle East…
That have found the secret elixir to stop this metabolic epidemic dead in its tracks.
It’s beyond understanding how something like this can happen in the so-called richest country in the world.
But once you look at the balance sheet — it never lies.
And every year…
that $680,000 price tag only goes up.