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Misleading information for tourists – Ardon

Misleading information for tourists – Ardon

Istvan Bab

No I noticed that When they were posted a Oradea IllnessArea in several places Underneath the direction signs directing tourists, a text describing the history of Fő utca in three languages ​​- Romanian, Hungarian and English. It appeared to me a few days ago at the junction of utri utca black board, And therefore I thought I read it. I admit he’s kind of guilty intolerance is being Controlled, If It is about history I tend to live with the suspicion that it is likely a feature of the Roman view of history Transcript, translator I will meet Al-Tura. Nor Also understood Surprisethe summer: a To transform the pastwings (In order not to write fakeswings) Even this short, Mainly for tourists bulletin sem spare parts. Twenty Soros Hungarian From the text let me quote the following part:The street line is the theater (1899-191900After reconstructing the bazaar, the street façade could be expanded from 9.9 meters to 16 meters. This stage of development ended with the outbreak of the First World War. Since then, the road gradually lost its disciplined, ecclesiastical character, and part of its structure was replaced by luxurious and sophisticated mansions built by wealthy and influential families of the era. For the promotion and strengthening of the social standing of Moskowitz, Stern, Wiselovets, Rimanoshi and many other families of Oradea The highly contributing mansions, in addition to their beauty, were home to various commercial activities in addition to law firms and doctors’ offices.. Okay, first text above, and many times It is also readableR UnderstandingatThe majestic mansions on Main Street were built after the First World War, and the listed families also arose after the First World War, that is, after the change of empire.

NLet’s look at the details: a Stern Palace, year of constructionH 1904–1905, a FIt’s on Moskowitz Palace Street And the Rimanóczy PalaceOK is being 1905-Built inLikeAnd the The Apollo Mansion 1912-1914 between Become the property of the Weiszlovits family, Today it is known as the Park Hotel Real estate Built in the eighteenth century, And the new owners It was converted into a hotel in 1914. But, of course, one can mention the Poynár House, which closes the main street. (1907), Obsession In another part of the road near the train station Darvace-Mansion (1911) And the girl’s houseKat (1906, 1908) etc.. It is small As far as I know, the imposition of palaces and civilian real estate on the main street a Saint Emery’s Palace (1925) built by the Roman Catholic Church and HatsCZky house (1926) Building After changing the empire, Thus the construction of the residence in Oradea was completed. And if we mention that The A former Mali mansion, built in 1900, is not a civic building, but it is perhaps the most impressive building in Fő utca.With Street – In any case, the entire city center – picture And structure Decisive prominent Real estate Almost all of them Previously Before the First World War I amBuilding. Next time, the image of Főutca and the city center changed significantly only with the arrival of the communist regime, and not in its favor, let me add right away..

a Referred to by the facts mentioned above, and our historical knowledge proves that After the change of the empire, the amazing development that led to the city came to a halt And inside it the lives of the citizens of Oradea It was distinguished in the decades before the World War. Oradea became an economically and culturally marginalized frontier city within the framework of the new state, This slump was also reflected in the city’s architecture. Of course, it is understandable if the local government in Oradea is reluctant to write something like this, but it is unacceptable to alter the facts in the history narration. We know the saying that history was written by winners, but I love to believe that Oradea is a place where one can transcend this approach. Based on the revised 20 lines, it appears that this is not the case yet. So, as long as this is happening, it is a good idea for tourists to find out from other sources of information if they want to know something about Oradea.

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