Xiaomi has unveiled its new battery technology, which is still in development, on the Weibo community platform, which is expected to be available next year – He writes and HVG. According to the Chinese manufacturer, the high-silicon lithium battery contains three times more silicon on the negative electrodes than the currently popular lithium-ion battery and uses a special layering technology to improve efficiency.
The capacity of a high-capacity lithium-silicon battery can be up to 10 percent higher than the batteries in use today, and the packaging process is changing, which may have a positive effect on space use. At the same time, the new battery includes a fuel gauge chip, which uses algorithms to improve battery life and ensure safety, among other things, during night charging. For example, it intervenes if the phone is left in the charger for a long time, which reduces overcharging. The new solution does not exclude temperature sensors either.
There is no information available yet on which smartphones will receive the new technology for the first time, but Xiaomi says that mass production will start in the second half of 2022, which means that phones with high-grade lithium-silicon batteries will reach stores by the end of 2022 in early 2022. very.