The new module is free for users with 3DMark Advanced and Professional editions.
It was formerly known as Futuremark, but today As UL . standards The company that runs the company announced that a new test has been added to 3DMark, which analyzes the available acceleration with sampling feedback capability for more recent graphics controls.
The sampler notes themselves are part of the DirectX 12 Ultimate API, but it’s very difficult to determine their use because the goal is for shaders that use texel shaders to contain only those texts that are relevant to the final result. The entire workflow is largely subject to this, and the point is not the initial velocity, but the comparison of the force difference between the old direction and the new direction, that is, the degree of acceleration that can be achieved using sample observations.
Because of the above, the test will give two results, one with sampling feedback and one without, a percentage of which is calculated for the specified performance increase.
In terms of hardware requirements, a strong processor and system memory configuration is not required, it practically meets the minimum required to run the Windows 10 May 2020 Update, but a graphics application that supports DirectX 12 Ultimate API that supports sample feedback for the graphics driver, of course with the appropriate hardware.
The update is now available and free for users with 3DMark Advanced and Professional versions.