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Norway will be joined by a Scottish archipelago

Norway will be joined by a Scottish archipelago

The Orkney Islands were under Norwegian and Danish control until 1472, when the islands were granted to Scotland as security for King Margaret of Denmark’s dowry. “We have been part of the Kingdom of Norway for a much longer time than we have been part of the United Kingdom,” said Orkney Council leader James Stockan, who put forward a proposal to explore “northern links” and potentially join Norway. They will look at other governance structures that exist on other UK islands, such as Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man, he writes 444.


An M1 correspondent, who logged in from the city of Sepce, reported that higher turnout in the southern regions could benefit the new Hungarian party, the Alliance.

Pope Francis warned: The Church must change

Pope Francis told new cardinals and the faithful in St. Peter’s Square that the Catholic faith must be spread with simple, helpful gestures.

Ethnic cleansing - Almost all Armenians left their ancestral lands

About 120,000 Armenians left the illegal enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, which thus became an enclave belonging to Azerbaijan.

The United States called on Serbia to withdraw its forces from the border with Kosovo

On the other hand, British forces are being sent to reinforce NATO peacekeeping forces.

There is a bedbug infestation in Paris

Vampires have overrun movie theaters, public transportation, and even the airport. Even next year’s Olympics may be in jeopardy.

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