Like the new Jigsaw Puzzle, Samsung refrigerators can be customized inside and out. Customizable interior solutions and wine shelves or SpaceMax™ technology allow users to customize the refrigerator’s interior to their fullest potential. These special solutions can also be found in Samsung Bespoke refrigerators, which, due to their special design, allow for more comfortable use and their appearance can be adapted to the mood of the apartment. The limited edition Samsung Jigsaw Puzzle, which fits perfectly with these, is the result of the company’s research[1] They also showed that more than half (54%) of Europeans believe that more organized storage can reduce food waste, and nearly two thirds (64%) say food will last longer if stored properly.
It is critical for Samsung to develop products and solutions that help users in their daily lives, such as reducing food waste. That’s why we’ve teamed up with The Tetris Company to create the Samsung Jigsaw Puzzle, a fun and totally unique food storage system – said Tim Beer, Head of Cooling at Samsung. The saw not only looks great and fits almost perfectly in our refrigerators, but it also provides a more efficient solution for storing a variety of foods. With this, users are doubling their waste by supporting the European Food Banks Association by purchasing the Samsung Jigsaw Puzzle.”
“It’s a pleasure to be able to work with Samsung to create a jigsaw puzzle and bring a bit of Tetris nostalgia and fun into everyday use of coolers. It feels great to see our favorite game come to life in Samsung Jigsaw Puzzle, and we’re curious to see how users coolers will turn into games Tetris is huge. Furthermore, by donating all proceeds to the European Food Bank Association, it is a great opportunity to help fight food waste with more tools,” said Maya Rogers, President and CEO of Tetris.
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