We welcome our readers to a new prize draw, sponsored by Al Waha Computer. The main prize of the game is one Samsung Odyssey G5 G5 S27CG510EUXEN Gaming screen Oasis Premium with Pixel Guarantee And With premium calibration!
In the game, we ask questions from Monday to Friday, that is, for five days, and an additional day, and after the game ends, we draw prizes for whoever answers each question correctly. We do not ask new questions on weekends and closed days! The answers should be found mainly on the Oázis Computer website or on the manufacturer's website. (In unclear cases, it is located on the manufacturer's website oaziscomputer.huWe accept information on
The prizes are:
List of those who answered all questions correctly (1215 people): 0xmilan, 1tom, 3ncc, 5150head, 655321, 66zio, 6r4dw, 7, 8zabi, a65, aaronlukacs, abdulka1, Acheron, Adran, Ádyka, AfrikaCarja, air76, ajo, akom, Akos1985, AkoS6666, akviktor, Alex Day Walker Alter, altntv , Amartus, AmcsiDog, AMI-512, amstorm, andras1024, Andrash22, Andrew31, AndrewTdi, Angie™, animatrix11,onym89, AnonymusX, antikomcsi, Apika,arm1n_, Arni9010, ArNick, arnikusz, Arolotifar, Arrow76, Arthur007, Asshur, AstraCDX, _Ata_, atomi, AtHoS, ati05, Atla, Atomantiii, Atter, Atti777, Attila84pecs, Austin F., axioma, Azharel, azso78, b., baalco, babok2000, -Babuci-, bahar, Bajgunar, bakgab, BaKi001, Bako83, Bakosz95 , Balance87, Balasz09, Balathruin, Balazs2828, Bali014, Balint16041, Balnaaz, Baloo27, Bandita14, Barabali, Barbus911071, Barcelona95, Barnahalo, Barnidani, Baryka007, Basaigy Ave, Beauty, Beck04, Becks007, belaazallat, beldeczki, ben8. 00 ben-csab, benedek23444, BenJoe, benseleven, beppo, Beren, Bertók, Bettle, beyacska, bf76, BigBlackDog, BiP, bitblueduck, bitwriter, Bjørgersson, Blackhole13, BlackMartian, B@ldrick, BLLaLi, Bloksma, blox, blp85, Bl @tty, blueberry27, blueye, BlueEyes, BluGain, BM1, BOANerges, Bobita77, bobooo, bogika55, bokjanos, bolygo85, bon, boneyard, Boozer92, Borshun, Bors1977, borsodika, BoSSanCS, Boudicca, Bounti, bozsokiandra, Braddock, brigusz, bsanzika , bszanka, Buborg, bubu1981, Bubu413, buca84, Building, buksikutya11, bul07, Bunfi, Bunken, Byk01, C^^, Cactuswd, Calogero, CapacRaimi, Capricornus, Cash_Box, catbert, cattus, CBEN Vendor, Cblacksmithc, cbm1974, cerkofmaki, Cha05, Chamion, Chandrasonic, Chaos AD 76, charlyl, Cheesus, chege, chilipalmer, cHogo, christophe, chrno, chronika, Chronos85, Ciccuka, Cifu, Cikó, Cinemazealot, Cirmilla, Colin84, Colos18, Conmet, csegusz, Quiet, cserteg@ . , cseze, CSibi89, csigi, csillamlama, _csocso_, csonor, csotomi, CsSanzi, cSuwwi, d00mbr1ng3r, d1d1, D28, D347HBR1NG3R, D4v3, Dagatt, dana79, dancsodorka, danilla, DarkGubi, Darkness, darkrock, darnex, 11, dev0825 , DaVE-1, Ðávid, DDA40X, ddoki, đe$|re, deb_kacsa, Deer76, DeFranco, Deluxe22, delyrium75, DGery, Diego2002, Diego72, dikokaaa, Dilo, direwolf, Dɨngodilɇ, DJ. Ru$y, Dj Sügi, dknight, doc, dolph, Don Atosz, doooo, dorqa95, DOUBLE_B, dpalotas, draco31, Dragon3000, draks, Dravere, DrBubo77, Dr V, dsh62, Đusty, dvid0703, dvogabi, Dwokfur, Dzs3K, dzo84 =Exorcist=-, ezanevmarfog, Ice Cream, fahrii, falikep, Fancy-boy, Fandango, fape, fbencef, F-ECT$, fecus, FEK., Ferhecz2610, Ferke77, Ferling7, Ferrari fan, fery02, fgsboarder, FireKeeper, . FistXL, Flashback, Flashget, FLATRONW, flyer12, Flynn, fondorlatos, forandor, forczek, Formula01, fornettisuti, Fox Mulder, FragMaster, Francia91, frango13, fravik, -FreaK-, Fred23, Freezee, ftamas0201, fulemule2, Funkii, Furman, fuxi14 . , G@CSI, geckowize, gekkoXT, gelacihun, geleati, gellzol, Gemkapocs1, GeneralNT, Genesistibi, Ger_man, Gerr'y, Gerzsi, ggeleven, GhanBuri Ghan, Ghoosty, Ghostface, gibdj, girátor, gLes, GML, Godzso, golyani, Gombinyó, gondoni, goso535, GouGraN, göle, Grafnet, Grampy, Greentea, Grenade, Gre@T, GribMate, GrotESC, Grounder, gszendrei, guftabi96, gulupeti, gulyasv, gunnyescobar, goti86, gxyb, gya/352, gyandor_hup, gyga, gyorol, gytallian, Gyula84, gyulank, Gyuri44, Gyusz, ha3fis, HadesZ, halalfalo, hamizoli, antya7, Hanok, HanZoli, HardwareABC, hattila1979, hattrickuser, Hauptmann, havasrobi, hcs57, HDAdriano, headhunter, headhunter86, hejbaa, Hell eh 2, Hellwhatever, Hellsing, Herbie79, Herion, hgrm, hikimiki, huari fox, hawk noel, hoover, hunzi, horosh, horvathpetter, horvi, horvi.93, hreh, hruodnand, hubie, HUNPSP, HuNTerK, huskydog17, HyPerNova, hyts , Hzoli87, i3odnar, iamgabor, Icyshadow, Ilcske58, Imbenboy, IMI7733, IMIBOGYO, IMKINQ, IMMI77, IMMY, Impmmment, Inde22, Indexlamba, INGOKE, IQFályter, ! , 3, Evetz, Izzy, Isomar, jacek76, Jaxona, Jaffa 2843, Jax, -=Jam=-, Jamboo529, Jampy87, Jamey, Jano, Janner, Jarvi, J.Dancsi, jen0ka, JHC, Jhonny06, Jim74, Jimbo, Jimhees, Joccc07, Joci10, Joejoemouse, joe-ker, Joey6, Yogurt, John_Doe, JohnyMilan, johnny82, johnny98, JohnnyBoy, JohnnyHero, jojoando, jos78, Juventus82, Kabri, kacsaesokos, Kacsokalman, KaiotEch, KaiserRepub, kajti86, kakonyid, kalozhun, 100, Kam1kaze, kamp, Karex, karlkani, Karmko, karpati15, Kashim, kaszas19, kayee, kazmerlaca, kchryss, Kekmen, Kenpao, kenyesan, kernyag, Ketz1337, kezmin, Kezo90, K_Gabor, Kgb_VTi, khmmmm, kicsicica88, ks Ikidi, ksicne, KicsiZ, Killer01, KirAnd, Kirsten, Kisbaloo, Kiscsőke, kisi, Kissbarbus12, Kisslion, Kissest1, Kisstii, kktmikk, Klepti, klimokrisz, koblisz, koby11h, kokeny92, Kokkantas, kokuzdio01, Kole92, kolip0, conci79 , Cupido, Korcsii, Kornel76, Kornel8585, Koszos91, Kova, Kovacsamd, Kovacsn, Kovigab, Koviróssa, Krabicsek, Krizmo_, Krobi1, Krono. -Q, Kzrca, L3zl13, l4ci. lazac_, ledgeri, Levhun03, lianna0219, Lidl, LioN_AvuS, lionhearted, lkristóf, .LnB, Locutus, Looser, lopez6477, Lordc0re, lordjancso, lord.lakli, Louis1, lowphas, lowzor, lsc, lsebestyen, l. skywalker,