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Oleksaez gold medal and 4th place in the National Finals of the Student Basketball Olympiad

Oleksaez gold medal and 4th place in the National Finals of the Student Basketball Olympiad

Oleksaez gold medal and 4th place in the National Finals of the Student Basketball Olympiad

Olcsai-Kiss Zoltán Primary School is shared with Béla Somogyi III Member School. The age group girls' and boys' basketball teams participated in the national finals of the Student Olympiad in Debrecen. After the group stage matches ended, the two teams were among the top 4 teams. The girls finished in third and fourth place. In the place match, they lost narrowly in an exciting match against a strong opponent. They thus finished in a respectable fourth place.
The boys won all their matches in an uncontroversial match and went home as national champions, thus defending the gold medal they won last year. The school's athletes exceeded expectations, bringing great joy to those who cheered them on. Erika Lackner, Levente Nagy and Jesi Noel were selected as the top five in the tournament. The Best Preparation award went to Bishop Marcel and Jenny Kirsmar.

Members of the girls' team are: Lara Gelich, Petra Gerencier Dobos, Petra Gogtmann, Erika Lackner, Dorka Mészáros, Erna Mihalyi, Greta Nagy, Rebecca Pico, Lotti Raba, Boruca Stern, Lila Topoli and Julia Trumer. Coach: Peter Tahin. Team captain: Emőke Sasvári.

Members of the boys team are: Armin Serfalvi, Daniel Farkas, Noel Giese, Kornell Horvath, Matty Horvath, Benedek Kaag, Matty Meszaros, Levente Nagy, Bence Nemeth, Benjamin Szalai, Aaron Seeker, Marton Toth.

Coach: Bishop Marcel. Team captain: Jenő Kercsmár.
We would like to thank the work of the male and female coaches, as well as the support of the parents who helped the children achieve these new outstanding results.

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