Andrig Kovalinko, head of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Center, said at the Telegram channel that it was possible to hear explosions from the factory at 02:38 local time. According to Russian sources, the effect of the Ukrainian drone caused a fire of about 100 square meters. Kovalenko emphasized that the UFIMSKY city is one of the largest crude oil improvements in Russia, which is able to treat raw material about 20 million tons per year.
UFA is one of the largest oil improvement centers in Russia. In terms of overall improvement, Bashkiria is among the five largest oil refinement centers in the country. The refining factory has a strategic importance for the Russian army as part of a group of companies that offer fuel armed forces
The Ukrainian leader wrote in his position.
The Ukrainian drone hacked 1400 km in Russian territory, hitting the oil refinery at Ufimsky in UFA. A big fire broke out on the impact site.
AMK (Maps) March 3, 2025
The Russian authorities did not deny the reality of the famous fire, but it was said that they were created during “technical operations”. According to the latest information, fire was curbed in the morning. There is no information about the type of device that Kiev can measure so far against the territory of Russia, However, the Kremlin incident could cause the Eastern European state able to deeper attacks.
The cover image is an illustration. Cover photo source: Portfolio