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Orban: Soon Italians will also join the new party alliance

Orban: Soon Italians will also join the new party alliance

The prime minister spoke about his plans on public television.

The Belgian Prime Minister did a good job, it's a shame he lost the election. This happens when people don't trust their leaders.

He said Viktor Orbán On public television.

I'm not in that situation. Yet.

he added.

Viktor Orbán also spoke about announcing a new party family, which will soon become the third and then the second largest in the European Parliament. By the way, this group has not yet been actually announced, as there are not enough representatives for it.

Urban still believes that today. Manfred Weber Until now Ursula von der Linnell The chairman of the committee could have been worse for Hungary.

It does not seem smart to leave Italy out of the negotiations. This is also how Brexit began.

Orban said so Georgia Meloni She also abstained from voting in favour of Ursula von der Leyen.

Antonio Costa He voted for him because he had been his colleague for a long time and had always been fair to the Hungarians. Kaja Kala In the case of the High Representative for Foreign Affairs, he abstained because he was not sure he could solve the task, but he was also not able to do so.

Orbán said that those who love their country to the point of trampling others for it are called chauvinists and bad nationalists, and those who love their country for the sake of their country are called patriots. According to him, people with such a mentality have started rallying for his latest party coalition.

We'll become one big acting family faster than anyone can work. We will cause serious surprises.

– Orban said, although he did not provide details about who would join them. He added that there will be a founding meeting on the 8th.

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There is a bit of a sense of ownership in this party family, but it will not be a regional party, Orbán says, then announces that Italians will soon join him.

I know who's coming too.

Urban said.

He also said that, as successive president, it was not his job to make decisions for Germany and France, and that was impossible. He is just preparing decisions, reporting on everything, and he will be everywhere, enabling European leaders to decide.

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