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Our pace is better than the results show

Our pace is better than the results show


Friday, April 1, 2022, 09:38


For now, the two-time Formula 1 world champion is delighted with Alpine’s performance in 2022: while he doesn’t think their car will be the third fastest, he is more troubled by the points loss than the lack of speed.

For Fernando Alonso, the 2022 F1 season started in a nutshell: He finished ninth in Bahrain, but neither his rubber strategy nor his engine was perfect, and in Saudi Arabia he could score valuable points again if his hair didn’t come close to getting yourself under the car. At the same time, the alpine racer wasn’t too upset with what he’d seen so far – here’s what he had to say about her in columns after Jeddah:

“I think I’ve had two great races so far. In Bahrain, where unfortunately we probably had a bad strategy for choosing the starting tire, which then affected the whole race, and the engine wasn’t real there either. Here in Jeddah I was too fast on the timer, but Also very unfortunate because some didn’t have any new tires left for the third quarter and the used tire was the fastest at the end.Because we had to overtake a few cars to get back to normal over the weekend, which I thought was the fifth or sixth.But The leak came, so it’s disappointing to only have two points after two weekends.”

“The pace looks a little better than the results show,” Alonso continued. “And we gave some points to whoever is behind us. But there is still a long way to go, you can roll the dice and hopefully in the future we will also receive gifts. I am happy with the performance, but like I said, we lost points. I think I could be sixth or seventh. In the points race, but I’m not in that position, not because we don’t deserve it, but simply because we can’t maximize our points.”

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The two-time world champion doesn’t think the Alps are the third power behind Ferrari and Red Bull: “I don’t know. It looks like Alfa Romeo is somewhat faster in some places, and Haas was very quick in Bahrain. Russell has gone really well here, albeit not very well.” Great. So we are there and it is up to us to develop further. The Spaniard, who was asked if he was convinced he was fighting for such places, said: “In 2012 I fought for the third fastest car for the World Cup title, so I used to that.”

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