National Tax and Customs Administration employees conduct inspections at several locations, usually checking the products of sellers of wreaths, flowers and gifts related to...
Both episodes of Hotline Miami are considered true classics today, even though they weren't that long ago (2012 and 2015). However, they've successfully managed...
The Liberal Democratic Party, which has led Japan since 1955 except for two minor interruptions, suffered a serious defeat in Sunday's snap elections, losing...
A fukusimai atomerőműnél 2021-ben kellett volna elkezdeni a radioaktív törmelék eltakarítását, de erre még 2023-ban sem került sor, mert nem volt kész az erre...
Közismert tény, hogy az amerikaiak egyik kedvenc sorozatának, a Simpson családnak komoly magyar vonatkozása is van, hiszen a magyar származású rendező, Csupó Gábor is...
Expedia surveyed travel preferences by interviewing 25,000 consumers in 19 countries, including 63% responded that they might be looking for an unusual destination on...