Leonardo da Vinci has 14 living relatives, according to extensive research that has followed the family tree of the world-renowned painter and architect for...
Enterprise: Csíki Sörmanufaktúra sells bear droppings in canned foods hvg.hu Do you want to be notified immediately of the most important news? I don’t...
Economy: Oil pollution suspect Szigetszentmiklós did not check a polygraph | hvg.hu Do you want to be notified immediately of the most important news?...
Two Chinese magicians worked for seven hours outside the Tienkung (Sky Palace) space station in their country on Sunday. Thirteen years was the last...
Difficult to interpret legislation, even with a president from Central and Eastern Europe, has recently been enacted in Russia: only a drink made from...
Ahead of Tuesday’s BL qualifying match against Pristina in Kosovo, we sum up the experience of Ferencvaros’ summer training matches, and the most important...
Research shows that while some countries, including the United States, Australia and France, have exceeded pre-pandemic domestic bookings, others, such as Canada, Thailand and...