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Participants at the Seksyni Conference sought answers to global challenges

Participants at the Seksyni Conference sought answers to global challenges

At the conference, Andrea Chocani Zeremi, Deputy Mayor of the city of Cesinje, welcomed the attendees.

– We, ordinary citizens, are consumers of all the scientific results that scientists and researchers reveal through long and tiring work, which we owe to the fact that they often look at research work not just as an activity, but as a task – said the Deputy Mayor in his greeting. He added: The slogan of this year’s Hungarian Science Festival is the following: “Science: Answers to global challenges.” This means for us that science must also respond to humanity’s global challenges.

He also stressed: Without our scientists, we would be lost in the torrent of information, but we are confident that science will find the correct answers to global challenges and questions. Some research results may be of global or national importance or even more important for our country.

– In any field of science, research results have been produced that strengthen the identity of the Nograd people, because they strengthen our roots precisely through exploration and analysis of the past. Andrea Tsukani Zeremi stressed that the regional committees of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences have a major role in bringing scientific thinking and research results closer to us than to non-scientists.

The event is hosted at a different location each year

Regarding the conference, Dr. said: The Miskolc Academic Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences belongs to the Borsód-Abaj-Zemplén, Hévíz and Nográd counties, and every year they organize a conference on this occasion, Eneko Grze Zsoldos, President and District Delegate of the MTA MAB Nógrád, told our portal. From the Hungarian Science Festival. He also stressed that it was important that a different location host the event each year. Thus, the conference was previously held in Salgotarjan, Balasaggiarmat and Pashto, but this time it was held again in Seksenyi.

– At this conference, we remember that Count István Széchenyi offered one year’s income from his estate to found the Association of Hungarian Scholars, but few people know that many nobles, including Nograd, contributed to this initiative. The Hungarian Academy of Sciences later became the successor to the Hungarian Society of Scientists, Dr. Enico Grecci Zoldos. He added: Every year the conference has a theme, which this time is titled “Science: Answers to Global Challenges.” The beauty of this event is always that there is no higher educational institution in Nograd, but at the same time, employees of many different institutions carry out scientific work related to one of the universities. So these people present our current research at this event.

At the conference, attendees heard a variety of presentations

Speakers from Nograd County included, without exception, museum directors, ethnographers, geologists, historians, linguists and archaeologists, who sought answers to global challenges while presenting their research work. The conference was organized by Dr. Joseph Pageau, To the Nograd County Clerk Closed with his words

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