/ 03/29/2023
He once sat crowds of people in front of a television screen, and nowadays in front of a cinema screen: he is the producer of the two most watched Hungarian films of recent years. But he wrote a script, a book about András Lovasi, and became famous for the way he makes the stage out of light concerts. Podcast recommendation.
The guest for the first episode of Dory Beczely’s podcast series, Puzzle, is director and producer Balázs Lévai, who will soon be hearing drums and bass again.
Let’s say you get a call from your service provider after two major hits on Netflix to make a call big christmas or the Western vacation continuation. how is your reaction going to be?
I would be very happy about that, because I have a secret desire that our team can produce the first production on Netflix with Hungarian content. With director Daniel Teziker and cinematographer Odam Pataky, we make such a strong team that it doesn’t matter what I do, only with them…but I think I’d probably prefer to cast a third team. I will find it much more difficult to do something new.
“The world is an open book, you just need to remove it from the shelf.” This was best seller Your TV show logo. What book did you take off the shelf the last time?
Last time, I didn’t get it off the shelf, but the publisher, Zsófia Emma Szilágyi, sent it to me. it is a dream writing. I don’t know the author, I read a review of his novel which basically ruined it.
Did that make him want to?
Yes, because as a producer I always have to be on the alert. I’m looking for good ideas, because I never know what’s going to become a movie. Said criticism was not at all positive, but it did remove several elements from the story that I thought might have been more interesting in the movie. I started reading the book and got off to a very promising start. It could be anything.
the best seller On the show she spoke to world-famous contemporary writers such as Paul Auster, Umberto Eco, Helen Fielding or Paulo Coelho. Which of them can you imagine as a protagonist?
Paul Auster has been on my mind lately, seriously ill. He had an idea in the best-selling interview that has often come to mind ever since. He said we tend to think of our personalities as blocks of marble. Whereas our personality, according to him, is more of a spectrum, on which many of our traits revolve, and depending on a particular situation, we can react differently to the same impulse. Sometimes a certain thing makes us angry, and sometimes we swallow it, or at best just smile at it. For example, I can imagine Paul Auster as the protagonist of a novel. But if I have already mentioned Paulo Coelho, his life also fits into the novel. The world-famous Brazilian writer was a bestselling journalist, then found spirituality in his forties, but even then he led a pretty serious rock and roll life.
You have confirmed in many interviews that you no longer want the screen, that you do not want to act. Would you be open to another bestseller series?
The answer will appear from the conversation.
Riddle – a conversation in which we play a riddle with pictures of the lives of Excellencies. New episodes every Wednesday on the Hungarian Culture Podcasts channel. Host: Dori Beccelli.