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Pecs University recognizes NatGeo’s editor-in-chief’s work with a journalistic award

Pecs University recognizes NatGeo’s editor-in-chief’s work with a journalistic award

The Hungarian edition of National Geographic of the popular science journal has paid special attention to the research of the University of Pécs in the recent period, thus conveying the reputation of Hungary’s first university to a large number of readers. PTE website.

On the front page of the May 2020 issue and on the first fifteen pages, numerous articles and photos appeared about the Virology Laboratory at the János Szentágothai Research Center of the University of Pécs and the research going on there. One of the articles won the international and ideological “Best Editing” award, and it was the first article in the twenty-year history of NG Hungary, which was also accepted by the US National Geographic magazine. Since then, the journal has also published a report on the research team’s work on vaccine development and prosthetic development in collaboration with the PTE School of Medicine and Technology and the Center for 3D Printing and Visualization. Earlier, they also sent news to their readers about the crowding out of PET bottles from the Green University Project.

“I believe that the credo of Peaks University and National Geographic is in many respects the same: to report clearly and to as many people as possible about the latest scientific findings and research and its socially positive effects. I am particularly pleased to be able to report on a Hungarian research site and its findings through Winning the approval of our motherboard’s strict editors.It is good to know that our material, published in the US edition of National Geographic, has been distributed to millions worldwide by the University of Pécs and the Department of Virology at the University of Pécs.discontinued reputation Tamas Vitry Jr., NatGeo’s Hungary editor-in-chief confirmed.

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