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Polish political scientist: If Bucharest is better than Budapest, the trend is very bad

Polish political scientist: If Bucharest is better than Budapest, the trend is very bad

The constant thrust of the Hungarian Prime Minister's speeches is that the United States must come to terms with the fact that it has lost its dominant position to China. Using Urban's phrases: Adults must accept that “there are two suns in the sky.”

All this is surprising, especially in the context that, according to Viktor Orban's predictions, Donald Trump will again be the US president, he said. Hi Dominic Hungarian expert, researcher at Stefan Wiszyński Cardinal University in Warsaw.

Polish Isbizens On his questionRegarding whether it is possible to extract a clear program for economic policy from the movements of the Orban government, the researcher said:

In fact, it is difficult to talk about a specific economic program, as it is rather an activity that can be called a sovereign economic program. According to him, it could be target number one

Strengthening Hungary's independence economically and politically, but how effective this will be is another question.

He points out that when the “opening to the East” policy began in 2010/2011, everyone participated in various “diplomatic missions” – from the president to the prime minister to the ministers. Officially, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have responsible ministers, but most operations are under direct control by the Prime Minister:

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I would like to remind you that Fidesz has not published election programs since 2010, so there is no document explaining what Hungary can expect in the long term. All this must be filtered from daily data.

Is the “global economy” going well, or is the crisis getting worse and worse, which could push Hungary into recession or long-term stagflation? – The question answered by Al-Hajj stated that although investments are increasing, the change is significant for major investors. Until now, American and German capital has dominated, and from the eastern countries South Korea has been present, but Chinese influence is now growing significantly.

Over the years, Hungary has become a car assembly plant and, above all, a producer of electric car batteries.

According to the Hungarian expert, the problem is that this is a reproductive activity, not a creative activity. This is reflected in indicators of the competitiveness of the economy. Hungary tries to achieve this mostly through government incentives, something that is often criticized by the European Commission.

In addition, the reduction in EU subsidies is also notable: – Officially, the government claims that it can cope without this money, but this is not the case: the standard of living of Hungarians is declining. Romania is a real test of the state of Hungary.

If the situation in Bucharest is better than in Budapest, things are going in a very bad direction.

Especially since the minimum benefits in Romania are already higher than in Hungary – Explains Hajj.

The TISA party was also mentioned in the interview. According to the expert, Peter Magyar's party is very dependent on Fidesz: – Just as Fidesz is primarily about Orbán, TISA is only about Hungary, and the program can only be deduced from statements, but Peter Magyar's political ideas are statements on Facebook at the moment.

When asked whether Hooksett stands out behind the rhetoric critical of Brussels, the political scientist said that Hungary had been practically sidelined: – She boycotted the Hungarian presidency, which began on July 1. The Hungarian Prime Minister's influence appears to be decreasing. A good example of this is the position Hungary received in the European Commission. Oliver Varheli is no longer Extension Commissioner, and the position of Animal Welfare Officer has become the subject of crude jokes. At the moment, especially because of the lack of veto power, few people are interested in Hungary.

Returning to the opening to the East, the political scientist points out that although there have not been many Russian investments in Hungary for years, the few of them are very important from an economic and security point of view. For example, it is mentioned that Rosatom is building the Pax II nuclear power plant, and this is closely related to the fact that a decree suddenly appeared on the expansion of the national card enabling foreigners to work in Hungary, which placed both Belarusians and Russians on the reduced list.

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– The Hungarians do not seem to have any sense of danger at the moment, but we can be sure that every move of the Russians will be analyzed by the secret services of the NATO countries. In particular, the location of PAX is also of strategic importance from the point of view of regional security – added the political scientist.

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