After Christmas party Sheila Ferguson Prince Charles She became her favorite singer and later became a good friend. The singer admitted, the heir to the throne wanted more from him, But as he said, there was nothing between them. Quite a few people doubt it, but they certainly never take the romantic side of their relationship openly.
However, the close friendship between them and The undisguised admiration for Prince Charles destroyed the singer’s privacy.
“You’ve ruined my privacy and I want to tell him that the next time we meet,” Ferguson said. to the Daily Mail.
The singer told me that if something began to develop between a man and her, They retreat once they realize it’s Sheila Ferguson, Prince Charles’ favorite singer.
added the singer who Lives alone at 73 and tries to meet on dating sitesbut even in these matters he often encounters this obstacle, because when it becomes clear who he really is, everyone immediately begins to wonder about Prince Charles.
About Prince Charles and Shellard here You can see the pictures.
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