The documentary series on the life of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, has just begun on Netflix. The mini-series holds many surprises for viewers who have so far looked at the princely party only superficially. In the first three episodes of the six-part documentary series, Harry accused the royal court of colluding with the media to “ruin” Meghan. Prince William might not have been thrilled to learn that details from their mother, Princess Diana’s legendary 1995 interview were also included. However, this was not enough for the king’s youngest son, he also managed to stab his brother in the back.
They were not thrown to the wolves, they were fed to the wolves
Meghan Markle announced that Prince Harry has spoken about how long Anyone would have been happy to lie in defense of Prince William, and they weren’t even willing to tell the truth about him and his wife for their own protection.
However, according to experts, Meghan wasn’t telling the truth when she claimed she was practically thrown in the deep end and wasn’t prepared for what awaits her in the British royal elite. Mirror.
They simply lied to protect my brother, but they never refused to tell the truth to protect us
says Prince Harry in the latest trailer for Netflix’s Harry and Meghan series.
After that, it is likely that the heir to the throne will not reconcile with his younger brother, Prince Harryto.