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Putin will make the Internet a peaceful place

Putin will make the Internet a peaceful place

The Russian president begins comprehensive cooperation with the United States to avoid inconveniencing each other in cyberspace.

Last Friday, the official website of the President of Russia A. a call, Which Russian President Vladimir Putin Notes. Reportedly, one of the most dangerous strategic challenges of our time is the widespread confrontation of great powers in the digital space. This is why stakeholders have a major role in preventing this, thus ensuring a global information security environment.

In the spirit of the above, Putin “calls on the United States again” to jointly develop a comprehensive program of practical measures that can put into a clear paper the now-non-cloud relationship in the use of information and communication technology.

4 Putin’s points

The call summarizes the necessary steps into four points. The first is to re-establish full and regular high-level consultations in which the parties can discuss key information security issues. Second, it will be important to ensure continuous communication between relevant government agencies and senior officials in charge of the area.

Moreover, the Russian President would like to conclude a bilateral agreement on preventing harmful events in the field of information. Putin envisions this in a similar way to the agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1972, which is still in effect today. The latter sought in times of the Cold War to reduce possible accidents between the two enemy powers in the seas of the world.

Finally, a very topical topic was mentioned in the article. The last point relates to providing mutual guarantees that the two parties will not interfere in each other’s internal affairs. Including, of course, the campaign periods and the attempts to disinformation that now accompany them on a regular basis.

Loud balloons and mutual distrust

The last time the parties reached some form of a “non-aggression pact” in cyberspace was three years ago. By then, the president of the United States is returning to one of his usual powerful tweets RegisterUnder which he negotiated with Putin the creation of an indisputable cybersecurity unit, which would, among other things, prevent election fraud. One day, though Donald Trump He was forced to clarify himselfHe only spoke about the fact that such a unit had been negotiated with the Russian president, but it will not happen yet.

Interstate espionage, of course, roughly exists with its inception, and the internet provides a new and effective ground for all of this. The topic of direct interference in the internal affairs of states has been on the table since the 2016 US presidential election. In this regard, it is now clear that Russia is actively involved in creating and disseminating disinformation campaigns on the World Wide Web. In addition to the FBI investigation, experts from Facebook and Google, among others, came to the same conclusion. Ahead of the new elections scheduled for the end of the year, foreign activity also appears to be on the rise. Microsoft recently identified groups linked to Iran and China in addition to Russia.

In this atmosphere, it is interesting to put Putin on the cause of a clean and peaceful internet. Although the Pride Council has yet to respond, it is certain that if an agreement is to be reached between the parties, it will surely not be hidden before the US presidential election in a few weeks.

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