Thursday, October 27, 2022, 4:03 pm
author: Tamas Balogh Photo: Haas F1 Media
According to his uncle, the German driver, who is in his second year in Formula 1, has proven enough with his performance this year to deserve the Haas seat for the 2023 season as well. Reserve status is also not excluded.
There is only one place left for sale on the Formula 1 grid in 2023: it has not yet been determined whether Mick Schumacher can stay at Haas or if someone else will replace him (above all, the names of Nico Hülkenberg and Antonio Giovinazzi are in the press). Owner Gené Haas has criticized the young German more than once in the recent period, based on that it turns out the seat is wobbling under him, but according to his uncle Ralf Schumacher who was in F1 before, Mick is worth it. Stay – and in his opinion, there is no better option in To Haas:
“Mick showed once again that he can achieve a strong race pace. Austin was very strong and was ahead of Kevin for a long time. Then he fell back. But Gunther Steiner judged the situation very well when he said he was too fast for a long time, but then his race got tough for reasons Different. He protected Mick, which I think is cool,” the former competitor wrote in his blog on German Sky Sports after the US Grand Prix.
“Mick has done everything necessary to drive to Haas in 2023. Both Gene Haas and Gunther Steiner will think about it and realize that there is no substitute for Mick. Daniel Ricciardo is not like thatNico Hulkenberg is also likely to retire. Based on his performance and development this year, you can see what potential can still be expected from Mick. So there is no alternative.”
According to Ralf Schumacher, a reserve driver job is out of the question for his nephew, but he also points out why giving Mick the chance for a third season is well deserved:
“Of course, it is possible that Mick, like Ricciardo, will be a reserve driver for another team next season, only to be given a permanent seat again in 2024. But obviously it would be better and more important for his development to be sitting in the car all the time, and he could start Mick is in his third year, and the car has developed very well. Because of the cost ceiling, the other stables won’t improve much. For this reason, continuity will be important to both parties, because 2023 could be the year when the fruits of joint work can be reaped and greater success together.”
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