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Record records of epidemic data in the US – A highly contagious viral mutant already exists in Texas

A koronavírus-járvány miatt az arcát kendővel elfedő férfi halad el egy bezárt üzlet falára festett festmény előtt a Texas állambeli Austinban 2020. április 27-én. Greg Abbott, Texas kormányzója bejelentette, hogy enyhíti a járvány miatt bevezetett, a gazdaságot érintő korlátozások egy részét.

The Texas Health Authority stated that a different type of coronavirus was first identified in England and had a much stronger infection than previous variants that had also appeared in Texas.

So far, the “British” variant has been discovered in a single human body. He is a man in his 30s and 40s who did not go to England, in fact, he did not set foot in Harris County, Texas, but he did not travel within it. So treasury experts think so

The virus version may have been circulating in Texas for some time.

The man is in quarantine and in stable condition. The authority will attempt to identify and notify anyone who may have been in contact.

The country’s Epidemiology Center said that the number of new infections and deaths with the Coronavirus in the United States in one day set a record for Thursday.

The number of people who tested positive rose by 300,000 within 24 hours, and the number of deaths from the plague increased by 3,844.

Both numbers are the highest since the epidemic began slowly a year ago.

Also in record numbers, 132,000 were hospitalized on Wednesday due to infection with the Coronavirus.

So far, most countries of the world have lost their lives in the United States due to the epidemic: 364,000. Epidemiologists estimate that by the end of January, the number may rise to 405-438,000.

All Infostart articles about Coronavirus can be read here!

Opening Image: MTI / AP / Eric Gay

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